how does she draw? and i'm too young. i don't see no sense to makin' people leave town if they don't want to leave. who's lednov? you might tell a fellow things, 'specially if the fellow's your brother, seems to me. like why you're buyin' a whole slew of 30 30 shells all of a sudden. you never said this lednov's name before, that i can remember. nice. but it's leaded up and anyway a 22's no good for real huntin'. you shoot a man with a 22 and where are you? what was he in jail for? in a fight? this is an awful nice gun. certainly come in handy when there's men around who shoot people that aren't lookin'. you must be plenty worried about lednov sneakin' up on us. think he will? at the ranch maybe? do you have to be so close-mouthed? i'm your brother. and i'm ridin' with you. remember? and meet him there. sure a lot of guys lookin' for lednov. why? lednov. i don't like him. another one, clay. they sure must have been travelin'. this keeps up we can start a store. i'd look good doin' the ploughin' in this. jimininy. you sure were lucky, just bustin' a wheel. pleased to meet you, ma'am. we found your trunk. were you doin' the driven'? morgan blood. the beat in nevada. clay and me have a place on the toulomne river. we're going to raise horses like these. jiminy. you sure were lucky, just bustin' a wheel. pleased to meet you, ma'am. we found your trunk. were you doin' the drivin'? leave that unharnessing for me, ma'am. where'd they go? it's sort of nice having company along. not so lonesome. you boys have had enough. i would! i can't read, ma'am. i just look at the pictures. since i can remember, ma'am. it wasn't clay's fault. we've been moving around most all the time -- mebbe when we get the ranch and stay in one place i can learn my letters then -- i sure would. that'd be swell. you know, you're an awful lot different than i thought you'd be. you're so nice. oh no. nobody said nothing to me. only i got the idea that -- well clay and me used to be walking through town and there was your place and through the window i could see you dancing, but clay always took me over to the other side of the street. good night, miss wells. don't you worry, miss wells. we'll find her. ma'am -- you shouldn't have run off like that. why i was just about to give up lookin'. come on, now. you can't stay here. there's snakes and it's cold and you'll just get sicker. suppose that lednov was to have found you, instead of me. why you wouldn't have had a chance. what's botherin' you, anyway? runnin' off and worryin' people. makin' it tougher on clay than it is already. don't act so -- crazy. that's a good girl. that's it. watch out where you're steppin' -- that oughta be -- down. lednov -- there was only three of them at first. i guess i lost my head. they were quite a ways off and the wind was blowin'. i didn't have them to aim. clay -- a man can't help gettin' excited once in a while. can i have my gun back? gee, i can't. i'm too old for it, miss wells. that's for little kids. okay. a-b-c -- d-e-f -- g-h-i -- i won't again. okeh, i was wrong. but you can't expect a fellow who never saw lednov and never heard his name until a while ago to do too much worryin'. you've been sorta close mouthed about him. sure i remember. you went to mexico lookin' for cattle. sure i do. went off down to mexico or something. oh. that's the time you went away. maybe you shoulda killed him. yeah, it does. hello, mr. wyatt. where do i put your things? aren't we stayin'? what comes after z? then i know my alphabet. and that's tough, isn't it? i'll bet i'd be reading in a week if -- i don't think it's fair -- leaving them here when we could just as well take them. we got plenty of room in the wagon. and -- and -- they cook and drive the mules. they don't bother anybody. there's only two of them now. it's a lot tougher than i figured. knowin' my letters is one thing. but makin' sense out of words is harder'n trackin' weasel after rain. -- and even if i do learn to read, what use'll it be? i'm goin' to live on a ranch! u-n-i-c-o-r-n-. what in heck's that? what do they look like? horses with horns! huh! do we have 'em in nevada? how about california? then if they wasn't alive, how can they be an animal?. an' if you can't hunt 'em and even if you could they'd be tough, what's the use of knowin' how to spell them? i feel good anyways. i'm not, but there's some of it i don't see any sense to. now i know what a unicorn is, what do we do next? nobody's gonna catch him sleeping. don't worry about him. you were worryin'. sometimes not knowin' how to read has its points. you can't read books so you look at people and figure 'em out. sure. i'll fix us somethin' to eat. like when you were standin' there looking after clay. i knew right off what you were thinking. because i've been watching you. i was doin' both. here. don't pay any attention to him. that's his way and i've found he's sure easy to get along with. i don't recollect him havin' hit me more'n a couple of times and i guess i had it comin'. he'll treat his wife just as good. maybe better. ever see him use a bull snake on the mules like other wranglers? yes sir, clay's nice to be around. he don't chew much and when he does he spits outside. oh, sure. i like to do things for you. didn't you know? want the wagon unloaded, clay? i -- i think it'll be swell. clay -- look! are you all right? it's a long ways yet. i figure we ought to camp. she's tired. you stretch out. i'll fix something to eat. i didn't stop to think, clay. maybe you and me better split up when we hit sonora. that ain't why. i just figure it's about time to start runnin' my own life. i'll eat when i'm good and ready. what makes you think you're so almighty? telling people what to do and how to act when you don't even know how yourself. you ain't even man enough to own up when you're wrong. go on, hit me. you oughta say you're sorry -- that's what you oughta do. maybe i haven't lived as long as you have, but i know a sight more about people and i wouldn't talk to a mule like you talked to her and, if i did, i'd say how sorry i was. i'd be man enough to do that. you think you're so slmighty -- smart -- who are you to sit up there and say nobody's good enough for you, like you said yesterday -- just because a man kisses a woman -- well, if you didn't mean it, why did you kiss her? you don't know what it is to be sorry. goodbye, ma'am. you know what she asked me? she told me not to fight with you anymore. she said it wasn't your fault, but -- i figure different. it is so your fault and. and i guess maybe when we hit the ranch. you andme better. half of them are mine. like i told you, half those horses are mine. i'm makin' sure they get to the ranch safe. so let's quit arguing and do whatever you figure on doin'. sure. what other reason would there be? kind of sore. guess maybe i'm old enough to hold my own in a fight, huh? so -- maybe i'm old enough to tell you how to run your life? well, then, i know it takes three -- four weeks for you to come round to admit when you're wrong. but by that time she's liable to be in china. maybe you're not, but i'll sure be glad when you stop pokin' me. goodnight, miss wells.