come here, mag, and try this on. that-a-girl! you sacked him. this is the weight of the pack you're going to have to carry in the himalayas. tell me if it's too heavy. no, no, you should have seen skipper. it wasn't that funny. i'll help you take into the kitchen. that's right, maggie. just keep your eye on the ball. i'm the town's unofficial fitness trainer. big advocate of the mind and body combining for success. you could say or you can quote me, i'm a glass half full king of guy. my girl likes to brag about me. drive! drive! from your hips, get low, get low, get low. next! ike just came by to check out the team. i'm just bragging about how great you are. i'm the luckiest man alive. see you at the wedding. sure i do. but the bet defense is a good offense, right? you're not going to let your opponent throw you off your game. let him come to the wedding. you're not running, right? say it. "i'm not" so if you're not running and ike graham is there to see it, then any article he writes has got to have a happy ending, right? all we're doing is turning lemon into lemonade. where's that homemade sunshine? mrs. pressman, i think we're ready to order. let me have the garden omelette. egg whites only. neutral corners you two. you're on the same team now. any more fighting and it's fifteen minutes in the penalty box. maggie's the nicest person you'll ever meet. but she's always focusing out there. she's got to start focusing more in here. that's why she's had some -- whatever you want to call it -- problems in the past. that's what we're working on -- focus. right, maggie? focus on maggie. focus on bob. i lead maggie through a visualization exercise. all the sports shrinks use this head stuff. visualize the end zone, if you catch my drift. it's a joke. they're kidding. not now. where'd maggie go? mag. help me out here. green bay. right guard. let me take you back inside, okay? okay, we're ready. want me to have ike leave now? team effort, pastor ike. cindy, ready? cindy, come on. honey, are you okay? hold it! hold it! i think we're taking this too fast. okay, i'm the pastor. dearly beloved, blah, blah, blah. so on and so forth. ra ta ta ta. yabada dabada. i now pronounce you man and wife. kiss the bride, badum dum. we have the crescendo that leads to us right back down the aisle and out the. yeah, i caught that. want to tell me how long this has been going on? what do you expect me to say to this? i hope you'll be very happy together. you look awful. ike. need help? i didn't want to find out i wasn't for her in the fourth quarter. maintain eye contact. hello. i'm bob, maggie's fourth attempt. that's okay. there's a lid for every pot. besides, i'm comfortable with ike. i mean, jack dempsey lost his heavyweight title to a new yorker.