"but how can one blame me when every time i step out my front door i meet fresh proof that the female archetypes are alive and well? te mother, the virgin, the whore, the crone; they're elbowing you in the subway, stealing your cabs, and overwhelming you with perfume in elevators." ". the cheerleader, the coed, and the man-eater, the last of which concerns me most today." ellie asked me to come down to offer moral support. in vino veritas. ike, i really liked the runaway bride piece, and since i do freelance stuff for g.q., i'm in a different position now. vindication. how would you like to get some? a chance to prove that, though your facts weren't entirely straight, your theory was correct. all the gory details. it wouldn't be a bad way to get you back into writing feature pieces again. if she runs, then it's a cover story. all true. all accurate. then you've got it. if you leave tomorrow for the hinterlands, you'll have plenty of time before her next wedding trot. justice, yes. paid, i don't know. they like the idea, but my hands are tied with budget restraints. don't say "spec" like it's a dirty word. nobody ever paid shakespeare to write a play! plato never got a book advance. yes, well, my theory was that she may be running because she gets attention. negative attention is attention. like when women whack you on the street because of your column, that's negative attention. no, i'm paying for the dress. do you think she's still gonna run? you're coming here? then come for dinner. order out like a philistine, when you got the galloping gourmet here?. overpriced nice apartment and chinese takeout. that's new york living. or a vegetarian? whoa, ike. getting a complex, buddy? ike is turning sensitive and i can't bear to watch. i'm going to make a fresh pot of tea. of course we are. of course. well, i'm good, i don't know if i'm best. i have no idea what i'm doing. i just found out i'm best man! i'm lucky i have a suit. what's wrong? hello. i'm fisher. you just pull a hair from my neck. look, he's in pretty good shape. wherever it is, she'll be there by ten- thirty tomorrow.