you know, when i only see one dog, i know i've had too much to drink. in other words -- he's only human. an he brought us a bottle of wine. oh, yeah. scared the hell out of skipper. well, wedding cake freezes. this we know. like her mother. yeah. lee at the hotel videos wedding. i mean maggie didn't know she was going to make the hundred-yard dash. gotta tell you this about my daughter. my daughter makes real good time, even in a long dress and heels. maggie may not be hale's longest running joke, but she certainly is the fastest. so i've come to see it as a bonus, really, that we've been able to plan, and pay for, so many weddings. i haven't had any fun since you got your driver's license. good boy, port hole. i changed it. see you later, mr. travis. that guy has a problem. maggie, you can run everyone's life but your own. in the tradition that has grown through the years, it is now toast time! first up, our host, "a honey of a beekeeper", lou trout. you know the old saying, "you're not losing a daughter" well, i'd like to! i'm really rooting for this one. that's maggie. home for lunch. honey, your grandmother and i were thinking about opening a wedding gift museum. what? maggie, it's just a joke. a harmless joke.