isabella molina, from san juan. that seat is taken. i don't think so. this is your ship? el capitan? well, i'm very tempted. it's such a beautiful yacht. what's it called? the s.s. minow johnson. funny, the name on the back was "red dragon." i'm sure, because this is my friend's yacht. and it's his party. somebody who got on the wrong yacht. enjoy the party, mr. carter. get on your feet. you see, no bomb. now stay away before i throw you both in jail for obstruction. i'm an undercover agent for the united states secret service. i know who you are, inspector lee. we need to get out of sight. come down to my suite. look, i've been working this case for months now. they think i'm a crooked customs agent. no. it's a sample. you guys ever heard of the superbill? it's much more than a counterfeit. 14 out of 15 world banks can't tell the difference. the paper is crane linen blend -- and the bills are printed on u.s. intaglio presses. in 1959, the united states was very friendly with the shah of iran. we wanted his oil, so for the shah's birthday, the government gave him a gift -- a u.s. treasury intaglio press. the only one to ever leave the country. five years ago ricky tan bought that press on the black market. it wasn't hard to spot the fakes until this past year. then tan got hold of one of a kind swiss made hundred dollar plates -- and started making superbills. yes. they've printed and shipped one hundred million dollars, and there's only one way to spot a fake. they use an optical transfer ink from india that burns red -- the real ink burns black. the real question is, where are the plates? if we can find the plates, we can stop the whole operation. maybe that's where you can help us. carter, this is your city, right? and lee, you know hu li and the triads? okay, find out where hu li's keeping the plates. welcome aboard, gentlemen. from this moment on, you're working for the united states secret service. lee and carter are officially out of the secret service's way. hu li, i think there's someone who will want to talk to them first. put your arms around me. hold me close. there's cameras everywhere. i need your help. i'm undercover. i had no choice. you have to trust me. you move well. look over there. that's the eye in the sky room. behind me is the soft count room. we're pretty sure the plates are back there. if i'm wrong then my cover is blown. the secret service almost busted reign at his casino in macao, but the place burned down before we could move in. dip me! i'm asking for real now -- will you help the secret service? it's time to end this, inspector. don't move! united states secret service. i'm fine. now you know. i'll try to get backup. be careful.