chin, you have been ordered by the ministry of public security to assist the fbi and secret service with our investigation, to provide us with whatever we need. if you have information, it belongs to us. two americans have been killed on united states government property -- this is our investigation. no. he will report to me. do we understand each other? who the hell is that? put a diaper on him, chin. i want to talk to the great inspector lee. quite a night, inspector. ricky tan was our only bait, and now he's gone. you finally got your revenge - at the expense of a u.s. government investigation. i don't know if the fu-cang-long paid you to get rid of tan, or whether it was a pure vendetta killing -- but you're off this case. i don't ever want to see you again, you got that? stay out of it, carter. you're going back to l.a.