someone took my family! my men are going! it's a white telephone van, driving west on washington boulevard. mr. walther? -- i have no wish for condolences. just answers. yoon?! i need to know my children are all right. there is a television in my office. p'yngyang must approve the ransom. perhaps that is better. inspector carson knows the terrain -- this is impossible! how can you even begin to find them? take them upstairs. i felt safer when i was the ambassador to libya. on occasion, my wife has been known to kick my ankle under the table. there are men in my government whose power depends on north korea staying as it is: socialist, repressive, isolated from the world. they'll resort to anything, even war, to keep it that way. they have the hitler syndrome: if their country cannot exist the way they want it, they would rather see it destroyed. there could be another riot. strela-2. i don't think so -- they said it was solid as a rock. i can't believe i'm still alive. what are both of you doing? let him up.