good morning, summit day! it's gonna be the super bowl, the 4th of july, the olympics and woodstock all rolled into one! all over town there'll be parades, concerts, rallies, festivals. so get out there everyone, but plan your drive- time accordingly! this is bobbi marchfelder, your eye in the sky. please, l.a., i know we're about to have quite a party out there, but don't forget the golden rule on the roadways. news time is 3:59. this is bobbi marchfelder, your eye in the sky. back to you, brent. hey, dickhead. i was backlit that entire segment! keep. the sun. to my left!! what's new on the kidnapping rumor? go back over the hill. -- "stalled vehicle! one lane closed! sig alert!" i'll improvise! what are you lookin' at? i was the morning anchor in houston! and i'm one break away from getting out of this stupid fuckin' whirlybird! where are you going? hey, you expect to use my station's facilities and not even tell us -- what the fuck are you, the barbie corporate ass-lick model? figures. you dickless wonder. marchfelder. you need a traffic ticket fixed? turn the fuckin' camera on! do it!! i'll rip your miserable eyeballs out! news is our fuckin' job!! a warning was radioed to u.s. intelligence that a biological weapon, allegedly containing the deadly pneumonic plague, is approaching los angeles. while unconfirmed, the president and other leaders are all late in arriving. don't lose the benz, moron. pull back. show the other copters around us. this is fuckin' great. jesus fuckin' god!!! uh, i think we're gonna set down now. back to you, brent. save it for someone who gives a shit! get this fuckin' thing in the air! out! not enough room for four. and he doesn't go unless i go! surfaces, sputtering and screaming: i'm a respected electronic journalist, you fuckin' prick!!