which is a real possibility. most of those old-fart generals don't want to -more- what about your man stationed at the consulate. carson? he was demoted from the fbi hostage program, couple years back. and this did happen on his watch. they're threatening to pull a saddam hussein: remember the scuds he lobbed at jerusalem during desert storm? they're talking about firing a missile into los angeles -- afraid that's not the case. our op says they've timed their retaliation to hit right after 5:00. absolutely. their whole game depends on claiming a legitimate provocation. seems the missile is armed with a warhead carrying the pneumonic plague. we think one of the hard-liners switched the warhead without the premier's knowledge. but he's not about to take our word for it, and he's too weak to risk the humiliation of backing down. we could have 500,000 infected in a week, who knows how many after that. i suggest none of this go any further -- not even to the agents working to find the family. word leaks out to a city of 12 million people there's rocket full of the plague coming at 'em, you'll create a panic of biblical proportions.