i'm doin' field upgrades. gives 'em a chance to hose out my cage. who's the fuckin' gargoyle? not if you made it. why don't you get sabatini to brew the java? she's the alleged chick. where's carson? motherfuckers. latest and greatest. wireless network link-ups. ingrates. under the seat. i don't know! i'm never in a fuckin' hurry! play the tape back. i might be able to pull the electronic serial number out of the subcarrier. i wanted to be home by now, take the kids to the rally in boyle heights. our boy's in a fuckin' ice cream truck! son of a bitch! he found the bleepers -- both of them! toward the freeway. on my way. newman's gone. he quit, couple weeks ago. opened a bed and breakfast in wyoming. damn. they get hbo? i'd sure like to see the fight tonight. enchilada -- you saying that because i'm mexican? -- bronsky. transferred to seattle pd a month ago. military. cop, maybe. shit, your average high-school student if they're so inclined. my guess is our perp used off-the-shelf equipment for everything except the c-4, and that's only slightly harder to get than crack or heroin, if you know who to ask. i know it's privileged information, goddammit! lemme talk to a supervisor. you are a supervisor. lemme talk to your goddamn supervisor. i told you, i'm with the fbi. cellular company says he was using a phone with a cloned number. that's what i'm trying to get. they're saying i need a subpoena. don't put me on hold. don't. i'm listening to michael fuckin' bolton! peerless auto security. we need to know whether you've sold a large quantity of these components to any one customer, or whether you'd had any stolen recently. i'm still holdin'! he's on our hit parade. interpol passed us his records when he entered the country. french by birth. looks like a total scumbag. raised in quebec. moved to europe; served some short stretches, petty shit. arrested for kidnapping, no conviction. did four years in france for blowing bank vaults. moved to u.s. last year. clean since then. address, according to the auto shop. finally got the call list from javal's phone. most aren't his; they're from the legit user who didn't know his number was cloned. here's the call to the consulate -- i can't. my kids. okay. i'm with ya. strela-2. perenosniy zenitniy raketniy kompleks. russian factory index 9k-32-m2 -- the strela-2 needs 45 meters to arm, so stay tight on his ass. classic ir, reflective optical system. how come? holy shit -- knoll-it-all's turned into dirty harriet! you're sure there were no accounts in the other names i gave you? take a hint. we're screwed. fumbles to scroll back to the check. wait! one of javal's alias accounts: check for an apartment rental! park la brea! private security's going around with pa's, and they set off the fire alarm. well, try callin' him again! manager's gone, and the assistant can't find the key to get to the rental manifest. then kick the fuckin' door down!