a colonial-style mansion, surrounded by an imposing, wrought- iron fence. there is a bronze plaque, in english and korean, next to the entranceway: the driver backs the mercedes out of the garage behind the consulate. we notice there is another mercedes parked inside. a dark-green government dodge pulls up and parks behind one just like it on a paved area near the consulate gate. colonel lee and a north korean army officer come running out. another officer starts up a car in the back of the house. ambassador han runs out. he has a stricken look on his face. as the copter lands, carson comes out to meet walther. inside, the grandfather clock in the foyer chimes three times. the government helicopter touches down behind the consulate. carson bursts through the door just as the second armored mercedes crashes through the wrought-iron entry gates. carson fires several shots, which ping harmlessly off the mercedes. in the back of the consulate, miranda, sore as hell, climbs into the government copter. it whines to life and takes off.