bobbi looks into the tv camera, dripping with sincerity. it's in between reports. the cameraman listens to the grateful dead on a boom box. bobbi answers her ringing cell phone. bobbi and the news cameraman are arguing bitterly: a hundred yards away, they're buffeted by the explosion. carson closes the door, then sees bobbi. they follow the 110 north. ahead, carson sees the mercedes cutting across lanes. carson has the pilot hover just above and behind the mercedes. it comes to a stop and the sunroof opens up. carson tosses the lit flare, hard, away from the helicopter. the news pilot looks over at carson. carson takes another flare out of the canvas bag. he breaks the top off. and it doesn't ignite. carson fumbles to pull another flare out of the canvas bag. carson gets the new flare lit and throws it away from the copter just as colonel lee fires another rocket.