very good. you may go now. you see that i'm serious in my intention, yes? if you cooperate, you and your children will be home for dinner tonight. grins. it's show-time. he stomps on the gas. i need to concentrate! does anyone need to use the rest room? this will be your last opportunity for a few hours. very well. mrs. han, sam, joy, please sit here. and you. what is your name? no, mrs. han, this one. thank you. you afford me some additional bargaining power. but not much. there. no taping your mouths, no restraints. please remain still while i explain. the meters on the left indicate sound pressure -- decibels. there are microphones on your chair backs. if you raise your voices above certain level, putting your meter in the red zone for more than one sustained second, the circuit will be closed. the right meters indicate motion. there are pressure sensors inside the armrests and seats. the sensors don't like to get wet, so i hope you were honest about not needing to use the loo. if you make any excess movements, or try to leave your chair, the circuit will be closed. kaboom. easy. deep breath. do each of you understand? keep your wits, and all will be fine. i want you to remember the feeling you had when you thought your family was dead, and use it to inform the choices you're about to make. be in front of a television in two minutes. tune it to channel four. you'll get the picture. there must surely be several people in the room; you may put me on the speakerbox if you wish. i am not a terrorist. your countries' political posturing means nothing to me. so do not waste time trying to negotiate. the federal reserve bank of los angeles can furnish ten million dollars u.s. by 2:00 pm. the required denominations are in the instructions, as is the method of packaging. be in your car at 3:00 pm, and drive north on highland avenue. i will call with where to leave the money, which you will do at 3:30. if i am unmolested, i will call again at 4:00 with the family's location and the method for removing them from their. predicament. could you please refer to page one? any deviation from these instructions and my device will fulfill its function at exactly 5:00 pm. that's more like it. "and my device will fulfill its function at exactly 5:00 pm" ah. this must be one of those professionals -- -- i've got my shotgun in little lisa's mouth, and i will pull the trigger in five seconds unless you put the ambassador on the phone. continues down the freeway on his bike, straddling lanes, driving the wrong way, retracing his route back to highland, leaving car horns, cursing, and collisions in his wake. speeds up. a car passing on the right bumps him. javal grabs for the handlebar to stabilize himself, dropping the shotgun. reacts to another slip. the big saddlebags of money on the seat start to slide toward the open door.