pete. please. we have to be up early tomorrow. call the police. pulls the pillows over her head and sighs. not again. i was watching that. be right with you. have you gotten any sleep lately? take mine. i'll ride in with diane. it's not for you. i don't chase car thieves in my underwear. c'mon, you'd die of boredom if we ever sold this house and moved. lots of people bought at the top of the market. i don't know why we even talk about it. the city's not the problem. so we move. it wouldn't matter. what's that saying: "wherever you go, there you are." i hope you're current on your tetanus booster. was it worth it? ask for a transfer. i'm wondering whether to believe him when he says he's strictly motivated by money. i still want to check the mo against known politicals, terrorists -- have someone talk to the lapd, give them a cover story for the media about the crash on la cienega. i'm so enjoying this opportunity to finally work together. everything indicates he's working alone. and his concerns do seem to be solely about the money. so i agree that he's only using the summit and the tension with north korea to create extreme motivation to pay the ransom. but it means we can get on with it. get one thing straight, mr. walther. if the bureau had listened to pete, beverly thrift never would've happened. he'll expect a homing device -- why must you always refer generically to criminals as "assholes?" you been reading my magazines in the bathroom again? he's really exhibiting pressured speech. big effort here to sound calm. same with his vocabulary. if he were in control, he wouldn't feel such a need to sound that way. if we needle him he could get sloppy and give us an opening, but i'm not going to risk it. this is the worst kind of perpetrator: anything makes him deviate from his carefully- scripted plan, he could become extremely volatile. do we have back-up if the bleeper fails? it's real important we don't lose him. he didn't go through all the trouble of designing that bomb not to use it. yes, please go ahead. -- i'm only here to see that everyone gets what they want -- the drop is at the demille barn, across from the hollywood bowl. you're to leave the money in the center of the parking lot. remember, pete. we're dealing with a customer with a lot of rage. what happened? all right. carefully. love to be in the loop on this. stop! the clock's running! arguing is a luxury we can't afford! -more- well, the normal procedure is to negotiate with the perpetrator. -- that's right! we can send them to our experts for analysis. colonel, you saw the perp. describe him to the ambassador, see if it's anyone he knows. photo enhancement. isn't there some amazing tech with the lapd -- given his behavior, this orange residue. i'd say desoxyn, 25 mg. amphetamines. it's consistent with the lone wolf scenario: a handful of these is pure bravery-in-a-bottle, 'til the psychosis and paranoia kick in. we could check pharmacy records, on the remote chance he got them legally. if we had a couple of weeks, that is. forget it. it's a waste of manpower. that gives him about fifty minutes to get to his location, move and secure the hostages, and activate his time bomb. the most densely-populated part of the l.a. basin. this narrows it down to about 200,000 dwellings. he was traveling west -- c'mon, that's total conjecture -- you're telling me? no. the phony ice cream truck, the booby-trapped chairs. he could've -more- i want to talk to the witnesses. then how did he get it? he means all of us "you people." we talked about these billboards, when we were car shopping! four- door. they make a wagon, too. something japanese. god, what was it? toyota. mazda. honda. you thought it had no character. you think!! you were there, too! pete! christ, you're self-indulgent! there's nothing but anger and cynicism left inside you, so they're all you can express any more. no wonder everyone in the bureau thinks you're such a nutcase! you've been dying to tell me that. downtown, century city, westwood corridor, museum row, mid- wilshire. north of sunset strip there's a few. and have them narrow their foot- searches to areas around high-rises. this sure was a ballsy move for a car-alarm installer. ambassador -- quit giving me reasons to! there still could be accomplices. if there are, they'll hear us in the helicopter. traffic person. sorry. guess what, sister. you're about to spend the next five years in a penitentiary for interfering with a federal investigation. sorry. i like what you've done with the place. stop it! pete -- the bureau never would've let you. they want it by the book: talk them out. you were a greenhorn. it wasn't your decision. you can't keep living as such a raw nerve, never sleeping -- camry! the billboard! toyota camry! where are the numbers for the outdoor ad companies? go! i heard. i'm in the copter. shut up and keep your eyes on the road. that's my goddamn car. dave? you staying on top of the research? listen: the best way to help them is to stay at your computer. if any information comes in, holler. okay? -- you don't "work with" rockets, peter! stay back. lapd's putting up a roadblock. still heading north on the 110. are you out of your mind? switch to a secure channel. what on earth are you thinking? pete, you haven't gone. suicidal or anything on me, have you? you fucking lunatic!! sorry. you're completely deranged! playing chicken with rockets! even if we can pry him out with. twelve minutes to go, i doubt he'll be very cooperative. ever hear of "fuck-me" pumps? well, these are fuck you pumps! where's the family? there! how's it going in there? come over the railing! grab onto the harness! tear the hook loose! try it anyway! who was that on the phone? what did you say? working with you today was certainly. interesting, inspector. I hate this fucking town.