the hand belongs to 10-year-old sam ke han. sam sits back and sighs to his sister, joy . between them sits a middle-aged scandinavian governess. asshole #1 lunges viciously, swiping at carson with the crowbar, taking a piece out of his side. carson starts bleeding profusely, but he's too pissed to notice. the cops do notice javal speeding by, with carson's volvo, the fbi dodge and colonel lee's car in hot pursuit. they shove the ticket in the well-dressed woman's hand and hop in their car. carson, horrified, jumps out of his car. robbins and sabatini run up. they have to hold carson away from the burning van. dave hurries to the back of a building and gets sick. javal has reached the summit, only to find he's boxed in. he can either turn around, or take the neighborhood's unique, outdoor elevator, housed in a free-standing, three-story concrete tower. sooty, covered in javal's blood, carson crosses to the others. he throws walther the saddlebags and sabatini the severed hand. carson uncovers the bodies of the driver and the motorist, lying on the sidewalk. he grimaces. colonel lee does not. miranda wants to look, but carson drops the cover. she picks it up, then turns away in horror. one of the korean espionage agents answers a ringing phone on colonel lee's desk, listens, then hits the hold button.