it's an honor hosting my fellow leaders in los angeles, the capitol city of the pacific rim.
what the hell is the big crisis?
bullshit. they're just ticked because we don't want the chinese dragging their asses into the treaty talks.
respond?! christ. what about the damn premier?
i don't want to deal with this right now! get our diplomats on it. tell the north we'll pay the ransom for 'em.  placate 'em! and make damn sure we get that family back in one piece. who's in charge in l.a.?
-- whatever. i want a total news blackout and i want this over with, quickly! without giving those commie little bastards any excuse to shit all over my summit!
are they out of their fuckin' minds?! what kind of retaliation?
-- a goddamn what??
i don't believe i'm hearing this! so if we know it's coming, we can knock it out of the fuckin' sky!
-- you're saying we got all this lousy hardware and can't stop one goddamn missile??
i want an immediate search for all ships within range.
there's no reason to panic yet -- they can't launch until after the family's confirmed dead!
shit! i really don't need this today!
i'd like to turn 'em into a radioactive parking lot.
believe me, the north drops one in my fuckin' city, i'm dropping ten in theirs. get some bombers in the air. and don't tell me any more bad news!
so what the hell does "kipchak" mean?
get to the goddamn point, major.
the black plague?! every time i talk to you fuckin' guys it gets worse! what happened to this "limited retaliation" shit?
they use a biological weapon on american soil, they have to know we'll respond!
what the hell are we doing in l.a.?
all right. assuming the worst.  what'll happen?
i'm gonna toast those fuckers! have the summit leaders been warned?
and you're sure it's safe if we can get 'em to destroy the missile in flight?