yo, dave the computer man! actually escaped the office! their chief of security, colonel lee. love to know what dope made it the bureau's job to give full-time protection to foreign consulates. cup a mud? me, too. keys! cherry? siren? forget about him! we're screwed on the trace -- he's on a cell phone. hey, great idea. phone company decal's a fake. dmv says the van was purchased a week ago from a private party in santa monica. i called 'em; they said the guy paid cash, and he fits our boy's description. signed the name "douglas mcarthur" to the transfer of title. a lot of the components are made by the same manufacturer -- a car security company. yeah, peerless auto security. fine. get your manager. wilshire and west pd divisions had seven vehicles running with sirens at 9:32. they're getting the routes from the officers now. parker center's making those calls.