"chuckles," as we're inclined to call him. friggin' graveyard shift. blow me. on his way. some creeps tried to rip off his mustang last night. they cut the ragtop. whoa, slow down, i'm gonna pee. you got no jurisdiction outside this property! shit! yank his fuckin' leash! you're ridin' shotgun. someone snatched han's family! white phone van, westbound on washington! think it's them? copy that one. don't puke. i hate when guys puke! we got a cabin in big bear. by now, l.a. was supposed to be a brown blotch in the rear-view mirror. i need some fuckin' ink!! i'd send it to langley. let the cia earn their keep. -- i'd trust his instincts when dealing with maniacs. he is deeply disturbed. big surprise. have 'em send a list of the numbers called on the account. walther! get on the horn to justice and deal with this! image enhancements came back. the sun position tells us the windows are facing northeast. here's the best -- look at the glass on the prints hanging in the background. there's a reflection of a reflection, out on the street: the corner of a billboard. nothing yet! everyone's left their goddamn offices already! isn't that redundant? 'she's got the field experience'. to park the fuckin' car! where's carson?