they're still harping on that "american plot" nonsense. they say the death of the premier's niece and her family would justify immediate retaliation. the as-15 is gyro-guided. it will find the city, but it's not too accurate beyond that. these weapons fly subsonically, below radar. we don't have the defenses in place. if we'd had the time to deploy a string of patriot anti- missile batteries across the coast -- still, we should let them know there'd be a response. if it comes to it. damn, i miss the cold war. russians wouldn't have dreamt of pulling a stunt like this. especially since the uplink from our op in p'yngyang was unencrypted. we've deployed marines from pendleton and twenty-nine palms, army from ft. irwin, put 'em in protective suits, but it's 40 minutes before they're on the ground.