we just received a missive from the north korean attach. they say the kidnapping is a u.s. plot to provoke and humiliate them during the summit. he's weak. he has to look tough to save face, keep control of hard- liners. otherwise he risks a coup. there's a diplomatic liaison from state, too. north koreans have gone ballistic, accusing us of botching the ransom drop on purpose. to the eyes of the world it's a measured response -- like what reagan did to qaddafi. but actually striking at an american city would be a huge psychological victory for them. that's the problem: we can't. we're the last superpower. our hands are tied by politics, alliances, goddamn stacks of treaties. most we could do is give 'em a "measured response" back again, or everyone starts crying that we're the bullies. the north koreans insist the missile carries a conventional payload. they say we're trying to trick them into aborting the attack. maybe they don't think we got the guts. maybe they want a war, 'cause they think they can whip us, like what happened in 'nam. look who we're dealing with: a teetering, outlaw regime, and inside it, some wild-ass renegades working their screwy agenda!