clothes make the man. the man makes payments on his visa. this is diplomatic liaison earl walther. what's the nature of your emer -- aw, jesus. not today. i'll inform channels and get a copter in the air. for god's sake, keep it quiet. do what you can, but don't endanger civilians or the family! get the secretary of state on the horn. i know he left already. i'm familiar with the concept of time zones. find his ass. carson? walther. who told the ambassador? goddamn it. look, mrs. han was the north korean premier's niece! we're hearing rumors they're gonna make a major issue out of what happened here. what the hell are you talking about? ambassador han. my deepest -- as soon as we have any to give. mr. secretary. they're alive! of course. the fbi's top hostage negotiator is on the way -- we have people who are experts in these situations. we really feel it would be best if you let them coordinate everything. let's get on it. it's the president's intention to keep this quiet, move forward with the summit, and work with the north koreans. jesus, you've already embarrassed the shit out of us over the phone surveillance -- that's not the point! the point is not acknowledging it! we got an international incident brewing, with a country we were practically at war with last year! our best negotiator is gonna run point. if you got a problem, you can take the goddamn rest of the day off. not any more. that's the negotiator. you do the briefing. why didn't you tell me doctor knoll is your wife?! jesus, forget i asked. the cash will be here in an hour. any thoughts on the kidnapper's thoughts? all right, you're outta here! is this the same insubordinate crap you pulled at beverly thrift? it's settled. figure it out?! with what?! -- they're gonna search the whole city in a goddamn hour?! fuck you!! every time you're on a case something explodes! carson.