causing, 50 yards ahead of the mercedes and van, the most hellacious, gut-wrenching, piss-your-pants, chain-reaction pile-up you can imagine. carson grabs the metal lid from a garbage can at the curb and flings it like a huge frisbee. it sails across the street -- the other drivers in the intersection see this and go completely nuts. some duck for cover under their dashboards. others peel away. a few collide with oncoming traffic. when everyone thinks they've seen it all, here comes another mad biker -- carson -- riding against traffic in pursuit. dave comes into the room. sam tilts his head forward and bends his wrist upward so he can get the rest of the gum out of his mouth. then, while keeping pressure on the armrest with his elbow, he moves his hand over to mrs. han. they can't quite reach each other. carson glances over at the telephone on colonel lee's desk. the copter has landed behind an am-pm minimart. gas station. they're hovering above the roof of a high-rise hotel downtown. bobbi lands with a huge splash in the rooftop swimming pool. dumbfounded everybody looks at each other. the fire is spreading across the carpet and walls. carson is hurrying everyone out onto the small balcony. he helps lisa into the rescue harness. she's terrified. dust and debris from the explosion hang in the air; helicopters crisscross the scene.