shh. hello. what math test? no. did you turn in your paper on the berlin airlift ? she's not here. she probably got sick. where's mrs. blume tonight, mr. blume? i know about you and the teacher. no. and i don't want him to know. i just want it to stop. right now. you're a married man, blume. and you're supposed to be his friend. yeah. and with friends like you, who needs friends? who sold you that crock? max would never say that. you're trespassing! this is private property! did you say my mother gave you a hand job? hi, max. i thought i might get a haircut. well, i just wanted to tell you i'm sorry i threw rocks at you the other day. merry christmas. have you heard the news? dr. guggenheim had a stroke. maybe you ought to go visit him. that's not true. you should put your mittens on. you're my friend, max. i know, max. listen. i'm sorry i didn't take your hand when buchan kicked your ass. you should stand up. i already got you some. sure. what? you sure you don't want to stay here and feel sorry for yourself? where you going? let's rock, esposito! that's margaret yang. she's actually korean.