max? hi. i'm margaret yang. i'm in mrs. whitney's class. i just wanted to tell you i liked your speech. i don't think i've ever heard of anyone asking to give a speech in class before. the silver spoon remark might rub some people the wrong way. but i think i know how you meant it. hi, max. margaret yang. well, i'm supposed to have guitar lessons. rock. i don't think so. not anymore. because it was fake. because it didn't work. i thought it would but it didn't. not all of it. just the parts i didn't get right. well. it's nothing to be proud of. you were a real jerk to me. well. anyway. nice to see you. hello, esposito. hello, miss cross. thank you. i loved it when you grabbed onto the bottom of the chopper as it was taking off. of course. hello, mr. blume! yes, i am. and find your own partner, mr. blume. no offense, but i'm spoken for.