i have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both; and i believe they both get paid in the end. chapter fifteen. the lad with the silver button. hi. i like your hat. uh-huh. well, i teach first grade, so i do all the subjects. except music. since i was your age. you're right. harvard. what are you going to major in? latin-american studies. this was more like central america. really? that's too bad. all the romance languages come from latin. nihilo sanctum estne? yeah. is nothing sacred? hi. hello, mrs. guggenheim. well, i'm just staying over at edward's parents' house for now. they're out of town. i think i met that boy yesterday. he introduced himself to me. i liked him, actually. he's taking a make-up test. of course. oh, no. they're good readers. i know who you are. how are you? you want to help me feed the fish? latin? i heard about this. uh-huh. i understand you made a very convincing argument. i'm very impressed. my husband went here. well, he's dead now. so i'm not actually married. last year. oh. i'm sorry to hear that. those were just born. max? can i ask you something? has it ever crossed your mind that you're way too young for me? not to mention that you're a student - i just want to make sure - yes. we don't have a relationship, max. yes. and that's all we're going to be. i just want to make sure we understand each other. max. you're fifteen. attraction doesn't enter into it. i think i can safely say i've never met anyone like you, either. me too. free for what? that was great, max. i want you to meet a friend of mine. john coats. max fischer. what happened to your nose? you're being rude, max. what's wrong with you? how did i hurt your feelings? were you hiding over there? what can i do for you, mr. blume? what for? he sent you here? are you his messenger? i don't think i should see max anymore. i know. but i think i let him get too attached. don't you think? tell him i'm sorry. rosemary. what's yours? thanks. yeah. i don't know. that's ok. i will. are you ok? but it's only three blocks away. it wasn't a library book when i wrote in it. i gave this book to rushmore. my husband gave me this book in the seventh grade. and he went to rushmore. so when he died i put it in the library here. i knew him all my life. well. weren't you in the rushmore beekeepers? he founded that club. of course, i do. do you think you can make a go of it and settle down at grover cleveland? i'll be your tutor. hi, herman. fine, thanks. i just got home and i'm having a little snack. yeah, this isn't mine. i'm' just kind of housesitting. did he? i thought he was rehearsing this evening. i think he's on track. it's nice, isn't it? you want a carrot? or we could go for a walk, if you want. it's nice out, don't you think? let me get a sweater. i'll be right back. hi, max. no. i have it. dammit. no. please, don't come in here. look. i'm sorry i hurt you. i'm sorry i love your friend instead of you. but just. please, max. yes. stop. if you don't stop with that ping-pong talk, i'm going to lose it. do you understand me? you got kicked out because - that's bullshit! what do you really think is going to happen between us? you think we're going to have sex? how would you put it to your friends? do you want to finger me? or maybe i could give you a hand job in the back of a jaguar. would that put an end to all of this? please. get out of my room. max! what are you doing here? what? oh, my god. are you ok? come inside. that's none of your business. i never dumped you because we were never going out. well, i am confused, too. but why don't we just deal with getting you - well, what kind of person does something like that? what does that mean? i was married to him. although i will say edward has more spark and character and imagination in one fingernail than herman blume has in his entire body. right. one dead fingernail. he drowned. lie still for a minute, ok? is this fake blood? you know, you and herman deserve each other. you're little children. let me show you to the door. goodbye, max. i like your suit. is that velvet? well, you know, i never asked anybody to build me an aquarium. i'm not sure how that rumor got started. yeah. he probably would've. if he had the money. but the aquarium was your idea. hi, herman. looks like max pulled a fast one on us. how's your aquarium coming along? that sounds good. hold this one, too, herman. so what do you think of max's latest opus? max sent you an invitation? nice to finally meet you, bert. hello, margaret. well, you pulled it off. except for you. you want to dance?