hey, max. how was your day? hm. well. it could have been worse. you were right more than a third of the time. of course, you can. sit down and let me give you a trim. no! you're just not very good at math. i wish i knew how to help you. but i just don't. i'm sorry, max. you want to see the back? i don't know. it's possible. it'll happen, max. it's just. you're like one of those clipper ship captains. you're married to the sea. it's been nice having your company here at the shop, max. have you put anymore thought into giving school another shot? max, i like being a barber. i'm good at it and i enjoy it. but i always thought you'd try a different line of work. i don't know. you talked about being a diplomat. or a senator. well, looks what the cat dragged in. max tells me you could use a haircut. let's have a look at you. don't worry. we might have to throw in a shave, too. max? why don't you get mr. blume a cup of coffee? hi, rosemary. no. i'm a barber. but a lot of people make that mistake. that's a beautiful dress, by the way. i know it's a little loud. but i feel like celebrating.