what time is it? shit. (poking her head out the how do you know? my check engine light came on, then it just started smoking, and ticking and shit. fuck me. resident nutcase? so what do we do? great. this the only show in town? just go ahead and fix it. we need a room. just a couple, we hope. yep. corey. one of you guys mind pickin' us up a bottle of something? i don't know. vodka, whiskey, whatever. yep. what? thanks a lot, man. yeah, i think we'll just head back. been a long day, ya know? one of us did. it's gonna take a couple days. to middlesex, virginia? do you have any clue how far that is? we're not goin' back. even el reno's better than there. how much money do we have left? i can't believe your fucking parents wouldn't give you anything. we should've waited till the end of the month when my mom gets her check. i know where she keeps her cash. what's she gonna do, send her boyfriend after me? doesn't matter. as soon as we get to vegas, we'll be set. my cousin said sometimes she makes two grand in a week. can we help you? i guess. whoop-dee-doo. what the hell are you gonna do with a friggin' meteor? have fun. that's nice. what's his problem? freak. not much. just getting stared down by creepy priest boy back there. you got an extra cigarette? you guys gotta come visit the club when we get all set up. we'll give you the vip treatment, man. give us a little time, me and sam'll be runnin' that place, no doubt. right? what happened to you? i crashed at randy's. we just got food. want a burger? don't worry about it so much. just go ahead. i'll catch up with you later on. you wanna run back to mommy and daddy and say sorry so they can put you through college. well that's real big of you, sam, but i don't have that option. i'll go home and get the shit kicked out of me, and get my ass grabbed by my mom's boyfriend. i knew you'd bail on me eventually, but not this quick. you can fucking sleepwalk back to middlesex for all i care. i'm not driving you. you're a fucking drag. no. can't you just look up the license plates? what about the missing boy? he was on the side of the road right before the accident. you think i was hallucinating? like what? what're you doing here? i said some pretty shitty things to her right before it happened. fragmentary universe. why can't anyone see you? why me? nothing. i-i don't know. not so good. i need some cigarettes. and maybe some food. but i don't really have any money right now. thanks. there's nothing for me to go home to. trust me. what's the point? she's gone, that's it. nothing's gonna change that. is there a library around here? is it walking distance? i think i'd rather walk. when i moved to virginia sam was like the only person i could even stand to talk to. not too long. kind of a last minute thing. it was good timing, `cause i don't like to stay in one place for too long, ya know? i was really surprised when sam wanted to come, actually. i just kinda brought it up one day, and she was down. if it wasn't for me, she'd still be alive right now. it's true, isn't it? yeah. sam said once she wished it landed on her room instead of donnie's. she told me it was from some accident. put her hand through a window or something. they still never found a driver to that car that hit randy. i was standing right there. i didn't see anyone. i found this book in sam's backpack last night. there's a chapter where it talks about stuff like this happening. like a guy being killed by an arrow that nobody shot, and a swordsmith getting killed by a sword he hadn't made yet. unexplainable things, but it says there's a reason why they happen. it didn't say. last night, and right before the accident, i saw. nothing. you already think i'm a freak show. yeah. she's right. i mean, there's nothing randy could've done. i need a new engine now? i don't have anywhere near that much money. i don't have that much either. asshole. what about you? you wouldn't give me stuff and drive me around if you didn't want something in return. `cause that's just not how it works. see ya. huh? no. yeah. it wasn't your fault. oh, it's just. something of sam's. is ruth your girlfriend? seems like you guys are pretty close. do you ever have a hard time telling what's real and what's not real? i've got so much shit in my head right now. i've never felt so outta control. i think i'm really goin' psycho. jesus. the things that feel the most real right now are. impossible. more like a dream. what if the change is for the better? i don't think i even care if i'm crazy. what the fuck? that fucking guy again. this is cool. what am i supposed to do? how? i'm outta cigarettes. what? everything's gonna be okay. i'm not crazy. i think everything's gonna be okay. i already saved you. i understand. i just wanted to say that i'm sorry about everything that happened to billy. and i know it doesn't seem like it, but everything happens for a reason. and it'll all work out in the end. what happened to you? i crashed at randy's. we just got food. want a burger? don't worry about it so much. i said, i. don't. give. a. fuck. i'm tired of listening to you whine about everything. see ya later, sam. what are you doing? one of us did. it's gonna take a couple days. to middlesex, virginia? do you- things get a little tough, you're just gonna give up? fuck that. i'll wait for my car and stick to the plan. do whatever the fuck you want.