just a coffee, please. no, no. it's just that i recognize you. i saw you by the motel. pretty amazing, huh? i just made a deal with frank haley to buy it for seven-hundred fifty dollars. meteorite, actually. i'm gonna study it. i'm a grad student at redlands. we've actually got a pretty cool geology lab there. i've gotta do some tests, but if i had to guess, i'd say it's a siderite. they're composed primarily of iron and nickel. my name's jeremy. hi there. i didn't get your name at the diner. jeremy. so what are you up to? i've gotta pick up some cash too. need some supplies for the lab. i don't think i've even slept since i got my hands on that meteorite. you should come by the lab with me and check it out. i could let you borrow some money. if you need some. that's okay. i trust you. you're sure you don't want to check out the lab? maybe some other time. sam? are you okay? what are doing? you shouldn't be out here like this. c'mon, get in. you do that a lot? that's interesting. i've never heard of a specific genetic marker for sleepwalking. he doesn't anymore? i think it's more common in children. when did your brother stop? i heard about your friend. i wasn't gonna say anything. but then i thought i probably should, because if i didn't, it might be inconsiderate. so. what are you gonna do? i know that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. and everything in the universe is in constant motion, as the universe is constantly expanding. you mean like destiny? i think everyone has a purpose. something they're meant to do. like potential, but more clear-cut. for instance, i was destined to get my hands on the meteorite. i'm making amazing discoveries every day, practically sleeping at the lab. i'm still doing some tests, but there's a metallic substance that's not showing up on the elemental it's just a rash. sam, wait. here. i know you need it. it's no big deal. here's my station. the rest is locked away somewhere else. somewhere safe. everyone's gonna want a piece of this thing pretty soon. you ever seen one of these? it's a scanning electron microscope. it uses electrons instead of light to scan the image. at first i thought it was a siderite, but then i saw it was more than that. much more. it does have a percentage of nickel and iron in it as i first suspected. but it also has something else. an unrecognizable element. i've done all the tests. it doesn't exist on the periodic table. this is history. i'm thinking of calling it framium. for my last name. frame. it's very important you promise me you won't tell anyone else what i've showed you. i have to wait till just the right moment. nasa, or some secret government organization could come in here and take it away from me. and then later on, years from now, take credit for the discovery themselves. good. the study of physics has unraveled some of the most profound mysteries of the universe. time travel? what do you mean? mysteries are what make life interesting. you're a mystery to me, samantha. ow. i should get some hydrocortisone. i'm sorry. i should've know better. you barely know me, right? sam. hi. sorry. nothing. just that i haven't see you around for the past few days. i was worried. i thought you might've taken off. i stopped by the motel. well, there's something i wanted to ask you. you know that book you mentioned? i'd really love to check it out. you said you'd show it to me sometime, and i've got a hunch it could really help me in some of my studies related to- what? to who? why? what guy? vietnam tom!? you gave away the book to vietnam tom!? i don't fucking believe what you're telling me! he's a fucking bum! and you chose him over me!? this is none of your business. hi, sam. i hope you can forgive the way i acted. i know. i just. i've been so wrapped up with the meteorite. i haven't been eating or sleeping much. i think i'm just drained. but that's no excuse. i was wondering if you'd let me make it up to you. please. let me take you to watch the fireworks tonight. it's gonna be spectacular. there's gonna be a meteor shower that coincides with the show. i mean, how often does that happen? i just wanna be your friend. so, what do you say? will you go with me? no, this'll be perfect. see right there? that's right where the fireworks'll come up. and we can see the meteors better without all the lights from the town. you'll see. there's one! here it goes! you wanna try one? just hold it straight up. it's goin'! drop it! fucking faulty one. are you okay? you need to get that covered. it's okay. how's it feel? i barely even notice it anymore. i'm sure it'll go away soon. do you think i'm disgusting? so you do find me disgusting. which is it, sam, i can't take much more of this shit! come here! sam! stop! fuck! i just wanna talk to you! stop it! fucking bitch! sam?.