`fraid you can't sleep here, miss. got anyplace to be? copy that. i'm here now. sell this thing off to some meteorologist nerd club, i bet you could do okay. what's all that stuff, frank? musta' melted from the heat. what are you sayin'? you're sure you didn't see a driver? well, you're one lucky girl to have gotten outta the car when you did. front passenger side was wiped right out. coulda' been two dead girls today instead of one. i talked to randy and sent him home a little while ago. he's pretty shook up. both of us know he'd been doin' some drinkin' today. but we also know he's not at fault here. that old beater cut right in front him. no plates on the vehicle. we're investigating the vin, but that could take a little more time, depending on the history of ownership. we'll find him. you really think it was him, huh? i'm no psychiatrist, but i do know sometimes shock does funny things. we were on the scene five minutes after the accident. i think somebody woulda noticed a little boy wandering around. why don't you stop in and see dr. peters on your way out. right down the hall there. she'll give you somethin' to make you feel better. oh, uh. is there anything you wanted to say to samantha's parents? i just gotta ask you one more time. you're sure you didn't see a driver? well, we'll find him, one way or another. why don't you stop in and see dr. peters on your way out. right down the hall there. she'll give you somethin' to make you feel better. get in there, you sick fuck. let him rot in there for a few minutes, maybe till the news guys show up. i'm gonna go finish checkin' upstairs. you know what they do to faggot-ass perverts like you in maximum security, dontcha? disgusting fuckin' piece a' shit like you. i'm on my way out. what do you need? okay. i don't think i know what the hell you're talkin' about. then what do you want? depends. what do you mean from now on? shit! come on outta there. now! what the fuck you doin' carryin' that around in the town proper? hand it over. right now! i should arrest you and throw you in jail, you know that? crazy sonofabitch. get the fuck outta my sight. they'll be here. just take it easy. sell that thing off to some meteorologist nerd club, i bet you could do okay.