my name's randy. this is mike and jeff. guess you already know ruth. i think i can manage that. what do you want? be right back. no problem. you guys wanna come back to my place for bit? bring your bottle, we got some weed. that's cool. hey, what's up? i'm throwin' a big party at my house tonight, you guys should come by. no excuses this time. you're gonna be stuck in el reno, you might as well have some fun, right? what? don't worry about ryan. he might be a cop, but he still likes to party. from what i hear he's got a little somethin' goin' on the side himself. we might as well all go in now, we're already wet. you fall asleep down there? should i wait a minute? alright. later. do you hate me? you think it's my fault she's dead. you mean it? what's that? you wanna get outta here for a while? i got my dad's car. i've been comin' up here since i was a kid. good place when you wanna just get away from everything. naw, we're just friends. she's pretty weird sometimes. too like. intense, or something. yeah. don't worry about ruth. sometimes. sometimes something can feel really real, but it's just your mind playing tricks on you. i got some acid from my buddy one time. this like flying eagle pyramid shit. i took two hits, and man. next thing i knew i was on the floor, curled up in ball, and mike and jeff were just standing there lookin' down at me. i could see this like glowing grid cutting through my brain, and i knew when it got all the way through i'd be this sketched out vegetable. i could picture my dad staring down at me in the hospital in my straightjacket, crying and shit. the whole time my esophagus was like twisting and turning in my throat and cutting off my air supply. it was terrible. i can still slip back into it sometimes, but i know now that my brain is what's making it real. and that's like a blessing and a curse, man, `cause that means you have to decide what's real and what's not. i know what you mean. the scariest part is thinking you're not the same person anymore. something's changed. like your identity. that's fucked up. let's get outta here. thanks. corey. 21: you think he got blown up? oh, well, thank heavens. i got some time. yeah, good place for it. gettin' some practice on the way, too. uh. i, i don't know yet. no offense. lemme guess, you wanna go home. yeah. you need a book? why? i don't give a fuck. the last unicorn, by samantha darko! is that you?. if it's you, please come home. not today. hi. you didn't have to do that. is that from the meteorite? i don't know. i don't know. i was just sayin'. i'll go. what?