early. turn it off. turn off the car. doesn't look too good. it smells funny. thanks for stopping. our car's messed up. he was in the war? how much is it? i'm samantha. we're on the way to vegas. i'm really tired. the sky's so beautiful here. but we can't stay. the motel. hey. what? not a whole lot. they totally flipped out that i was even going. they weren't about to give me money for the big trip. she wouldn't have given you anything. jesus. virginia. just keep walking. yeah. definitely. what the hell. i hate it there. it's like everyone knows everything about me, but i'm invisible at the same time. it's like the worst of both worlds. they didn't want me to leave. well, they did, but they wanted me to go away to harvard or something like that, like my sister. sometimes i think it would've been easier if. i just, after my that's why i love corey, she just doesn't give a shit. she does what she wants and she doesn't care what people think. i always thought i'd be a dancer, like in a troupe or something. that sounds kinda stupid probably. when i was younger, my dance team was on star search. yeah. but i didn't go. i didn't end up dancing in the talent show where they got discovered. i didn't really feel like it at the time anyway. but that's why we're going to vegas. there's lots of opportunities there. is that supposed to be like some kind of judgement or something? i've just gotta find corey. and check on the car. is everything okay? mount calvary? oh. how did it happen? are you able to get money wired here from my bank back home? i need to check my balance and get my money out. how do i do that? virginia. hey. i'm sam. trying to get money. not very successfully. i can't. i don't even know you. thanks anyway. sorry. i've gotta find corey. what happened to me? where the hell've you been? my stomach's fucked up. we gotta talk about what we're gonna do. the motel guy came to the room this morning all pissed off. we're probably not even gonna have enough money to pay for the car. we just gotta figure out what we're gonna do. i don't think- what? what are you talking about? i'm not bailing on you. would you fuck you, corey. what happened to me? where the hell've you been? my stomach's fucked up. we gotta talk about what we're gonna do. the motel guy came to the room this excuse me? corey, you're still drunk. don't be a fuck-ass. what the fuck are you talking about? i know what you meant, and it's bullshit. when someone dies for no reason you can't just make one up to fill the void and make yourself feel better. it sucks, and it fucks everything up, but it doesn't mean shit beyond that. you've obviously never lost anybody like i have, `cause if you did you'd already know that. thanks for the ride. remnants. hi, tom. i like your new mask. are you scared? i know you can hear me. perfect. i'm. yeah, i'm okay. i think it's genetic or something. it's just that my brother used to do it too. no. when he died. well. okay. thanks. i don't know yet. do you believe that everything happens for a reason? yeah. i learned that in science. yeah, but do you believe that everything happens for a reason, like in life? really. what happened to your arm? thank you. you wanna know what happens when you die? i wish it was me. i really want. to die. i'm okay. i was just upset. i shouldn't have snapped at you like that. i'm gonna be taking off soon, i think. i just gotta figure some stuff out. it's quiet here. i was just on my way out. what were you gonna say? okay, well. i'll see you later? bye. that's it? no. and what's that? so this is pretty major. framium? what if it's like. proof of some alien life-form from another galaxy or something. i won't say anything. there's this book i think you'd like. i got it from my physics teacher in high school. it's called the philosophy of time travel. yeah, but it's not really that. it's more like one scenario, or one type of scenario. i don't completely understand it. another mystery. my life seems to be full of them. that doesn't look good. (regarding the attempted and nobody really calls my samantha. just my mom and dad. sure. yeah. hey, you could've been some crazy rapist serial killer. you turned out okay. i can take care of myself. what about him? what makes you think you can tell me who i can and can't hang around with? so? how old was he? no. jeremy. he was just a kid, he didn't know what he was doing. chris. you're a nice guy, but you don't have to be looking out for me. you're not my dad, you're not my big brother. sorry. they're lucky to have someone to protect them. i know what you mean. do you like to read? you can borrow it. oh, hi jeremy. that's okay, what's up? no. i've been around. going for lots of walks. like i said, i've been in and out. yeah. oh. i don't have it anymore. i kind of. gave it to someone. i'm sorry. i just. forgot that i said you could borrow it, and this well. that vietnam tom guy. it's just a book. no. i just- same reason you talk to me. because i can see how special you are. they will. only one day left. that was pretty weird. it's alright. you don't need to- i don't think so. i was supposed to see `em with chris, but. he's stuck at work. gimme a sec. lemme grab my sweatshirt. shouldn't we go back out there where we can see? so what's in the bag? they're pretty. ow! i think so. what are you doing? a little better. good god. are you fucking kidding me? no. i just think you should get it looked at- what the hell are you doing? jesus christ. why are you doing this? 15 days. 18 hours. oh my god. hey. what? i think i wanna go. it's not like that. you should come too. corey. it's alright. she can take care of herself. she's good at it. i've gotta go home.