isn't that just awful? his poor mother. i don't believe it. i still just don't believe it. can i help you? no, it's not. mount calvary burned to the ground last night. father homeijer's church. the police are looking into it, but. i know it was arson. it's no secret to me how people in this town feel about father homeijer. the horrible accusations that have been made against him. but it's just a lot of nonsense. el reno's changed so much since i was a kid growing up here. the young people nowadays. but with all the drugs and the crime. i just don't know what this world's coming to anymore. we don't usually work with other banks like that. you'll have to call and arrange it. you could always use western union. where's your bank? oh. `cause they're gonna need to have a signature. we're taking collections to help rebuild mount calvary after the tragic fire. oh. hello. good luck. i never had any doubts in you, or in the lord. one more glass won't hurt you. you deserve it, father. i see the way you look at me, father. i want you too. i can't do this. i'm a man of the cloth. and you'd regret it. i feel like such an idiot.