filtered water, high fructose corn syrup. lemon juice concentrate. citric acid. gum acacia? totally natural, yeah right. thanks. excellent. they're in season. who? oh right. sorry, little slow today. bad headache. uhm, actually, i don't know. sorry. can't help you. do i know you? well uhhm, sir, to answer your apple questions, one, i don't know what god's problem was. two, william tell, like paul bunyon, never existed. and in case you're wondering, isaac newton discovered gravity through planetary observation not because one of those fell on his head, and i seriously doubt that eating one a day will keep the doctor away. okay? by the way - welcome to the big apple. no, really? moron. c'mon, dr. singh. tell me something i don't know. just keep driving. where's the spare? you do know how to change a tire. give me your keys. all right, where do you live? it's your lucky day. come on. try room temperature, idiot. the tokamak's got it all backwards. him? a powerful, well-respected man who doesn't know a goddarnn thing what he's talking about. if i got one tenth of his funding. you live here? are you for real? you work for this or inherit it? that's a helluva lot of shoes. wait a minute, hold on. are you asking me out on a date? how do you know i'm not married? okay so i'm not married. i could have a boyfriend. be surprised. lemme give you a hand. what about you? there's no wife stashed on some island someplace? no mistress? c'mon. no bimbo on the side? well, that's a start. here's the deal with me: i am not particularly even-tempered, i'm staunchly liberal, belong to no religious cults but i do believe in god as a basic force of good, have no children because one has to have sex to do that and, well, let's not pursue that, am free of communicable diseases, see above, and you're an attractive man, if a little weird, and well. .hell, why not. you've got a date, shoemaker. what's your name? i'm jillian st. thomas. i'll give you my number. eight seven seven, five two nine eight. i've heard that before. hey. what's my number? and he has a brain. what do you know. no? you live in the biggest house in america but do your own shopping, you talk to strange women about the history of apples, and you give a first-time date. . shoes? isn't the tradition flowers? i do. i'm joking. they're beautiful. thank-you. what happened? no, it's all right. okay: "why jillian never got married, chapter one:" i don't know where you're from. . . i don't know what it's like there, but here, if a teenage girl doesn't want to be a cheerleader, or drink 'till she pukes every weekend, or talk endlessly on the phone every night about absolutely nothing, then she doesn't win many popularity contests, know what i mean? that pretty much took care of highschool. try earning double p.h.d.'s from harvard before you turn twenty-three and having a social life. that's personal? my i.q.? let's just say it's high. yes, very high. as high as yours. oh, you're a smart one, shoemaker. it's in the eyes. i can always tell. i just don't often get the opportunity. it feels nice. stop it. flattery will get you. someplace. i don't know where yet. it's not for us. it's for the couple over there. waiter, put their bill on my card please. i'll make the booze. turn on the news. i want to catch up on that russia thing. what brand? that country's going to explode. what? . no, but there's a liquor store five minutes away. i want to be ridiculous. michael, i haven't had anybody over in. a long time. and i happen to like you. i want to do this right. okay? i'll be back in ten minutes. build a fire. night, walter. try room temperature, idiot. the tokamak's got it all backwards. now mr. michael quinn, let's have that scotch. hey, what happened to the fire? down boy. whoah whoah whoah, time to put on the brakes. those lips oughtta be licensed buddy. i know you weren't but if we keep going i'm gonna be the one who gets us both in trouble. whew! haven't felt like that for awhile. am i going to see you again? michael? it's a date. i'll walk you out, shoemaker. 'bye. drive safe. to see a friend. be back in a couple hours. a what? the man who lives here. who owns the house. no. no. oh my god. . the supermarket, the flat tire, all a set-up. you fool. you fool. yuri! no. . . no, this can't be happening. yuri! yuri! help me. i'm american. police! do you speak english? thank god. i'm an american scientist. last night, in new york, a man stole something from me, then this morning i was kidnapped by my lab assistant, god this sounds like a bad novel . . . . . what was that? what? who? who are you. tell me who you are and what the hell is going on. trust you? trust you? like a bad flu. present tense please – i am going. before we discuss the present, let's discuss the past. who the hell are you. i want full name, address, profession, and don't - don't - say michael quinn of 112 mason street, shoemaker. good. we're getting somewhere. i'd like to respond to that. you wicked man. thief. i hope you rot in hell. as far away from you as i can. you're joking. i need to use the ladies' room. i think you can trust me to. tell me something. how much were you paid? i think it is. c'mon. tell me. does it bother you? what you do? you have no conscience? no sense of morality? it's a commonly used and generally understood word. you are not going in there with me. okay, how about: do unto others as they would do unto you. how about: love thy neighbor. were you raised by wolves? who were your parents, lucretia borgia and the marquis de sader international operator please. the american embassy in moscow, please. you really will rot in hell, know that? friends? i thought you trusted no one. what. i'm so sorry! give me a second, will you? i don't feel well. just a second. yes. yes it was fine, oh who cares, i'm finally safe. do you have a car? interesting? it's true. you've gotta be kidding me. . cd, that's big "c" little "d," cadmium's valence is 2, its atomic number is 48 and its atomic weight is 112.411 or would you like that carried out five more decimal places? good enough? what a nightmare. to think my work could just be taken from me. agent whitehead. nothing, i was just thinking that when my research was stolen i felt like the buffalo bills after they lost four world series. go! is it? who's worse – them or you? what are you going to do? tell me. i deserve at least that. i'll die. if you take their offer, they'll kill me. oh god. it's over, it's all over. you're not human. you're an animal. i don't hold the patent rights to cold fusion. you fool. don't you understand? it wasn't about money, it wasn't about becoming rich. a foundation in my name. the royalties were going to go to scientific research, curing cancer, . .christ how can you understand this. how do you know all this? . where does it go? we? then what happens? templar - about that night at my house… okay. it doesn't seem like we've gone far enough. oh my god. we. . we've got to go back. what about tretiak's men … the water's back on! we can't stay here, we'll asphyxiate. what are you going to. wait. . .simon. don't do this. they'll kill you. . . nine. . . . ten. . . . open the gate! i'm an american citizen. do something! no. no. no. i'm certain. it's not him. they showed me photographs of criminals. and a photograph of you. i said that the man in the photograph doesn't have the eyes of a criminal. the washington symposium is tomorrow afternoon. i'm going. i'm presenting my research to the scientific community. it's in my head. i'll wing it. what are we researching. ? it is in the eyes. you're not bad. you can be good at being good. if you're afraid of the dark, remember the night rainbow. if tomorrow morning the sky falls, have clouds for breakfast. if the birds forget their songs, listen to the wind. and if between right and wrong, do what is right. my grandmother. that question will be answered in ten minutes, mr. rothstein. sorry, but i'm not interested in doctor singh's opinions on this or anything else. please, no more questions. . stop it! i know him! simon? what is it? yes. go get a seat. good afternoon. in 1989, two physicists claimed to have perfected. . .cold nuclear fusion. their results couldn't be duplicated. . it is my pleasure to announce that simon. i love you. my saint. . . . .