in 1987 gorbachev stood here and promised a new age. the result? an end to communism. democracy. a free economy. and what else? chaos. the economy run by criminals, the government run by charlatans. and they are in league together! thieves! traitors! men and women of st. petersburg, citizens of russia, the salt of this country, this must end! join me then in the song of our forefathers. romanov begins to sing, ably, the first verse of "mother russia" . a nuclear bunker, mr. president? you must worry for your safety. yes. you do. a public debate, then new elections. we'll let the people decide. and russia will spend none. within five years we will be the wealthiest nation on earth. a public debate, then new elections. we'll let the people decide. general radischev please. yes, an emergency. friends, countrymen, i give you major antonin scarpinin. one month ago i said i would prove that those who call themselves our leaders. . .are in league with those who we know to be thieves, traitors, rapists of our once-great country. do you want to see this proof? the average russian is a fool. he exists to be dominated. to partnership in government. that. . that it is a fraud. i can explain.