sorry about this. sorry again. you have an eye for beauty. of course - you see it every time you look in the mirror. cold. careful with that. it's delicate equip. . . ment. it's for protection. i deal in antique. for jogging. my doctor's recommended five miles a. i forget. call the embassy you've got three options: charge me, or release me. you can kiss my ass. i'm a busy man. make up your mind. how you got your job. another round please. back there. leave your locket. i'll polish it for you. thanks harry. oh, and harry. . . ship this by overnight courier to that address. yes. it depends. involving what? harry, i'm going for a walk over blackfriars bridge. midnight. i know who you are. tell me what you want, or i keep walking. suppose there's a high-powered rifle trained at your head. you talk about the place as if you own it. you can ask. i won't answer. i'm nothing. except bored. get to the point. what are we talking about? why can't he steal it? nuclear fusion. they say it's mankind's only hope after all the oil's gone. this guy's actually done it? come again? my fee is fifteen million u.s. dollars, half up front, half when i deliver. you'll hear from me. try this. sorry, i overheard. the real thing. no chemicals, no preservatives. hello again. these aren't ripe. how are the apples? i wonder why he didn't want us to eat these. god. in the garden of eden. why wasn't it: "no bananas." or: "avoid, at all cost, kumquats." wonder what god had against apples. she gives him a funny look and turns away. how about william tell? you really think he shot one of these off his brother's head with an arrow? unlikely. i just moved to new york. hello! she walks up to him. together they look down at the rear tire. it's flat, a pancake. i. .well. .i'm not really certain. sorry. i'm not very. mechanical. sorry. close. uhhm. excuse me. who is that? it's the next left. first driveway on the right. like the label says. no chemicals, no preservatives. my father made shoes. i inherited the company. now i make shoes. uhm listen, i'm not very good at this and i realize we just met, but i'm even-tempered, politically moderate, belong to no religious cults, have no children i know of, am free of communicable diseases, i happen to find you attractive. yes. i believe the fourth finger on your left hand is. i'd be surprised if you didn't have several. no wife stashed on some island. not a one. michael. michael quinn. just say it. i have a good memory. good. great. i'll call you. i will call you. you saved me today. thanks again. eight seven seven, five two nine eight. i am not eccentric. you said you liked them. just the check please. you didn't answer my question. maybe it made you uncomfortable. maybe i should just shut up. canada. college? can i ask a personal question? what's your i.q.? very high. you don't honestly mean that. for me, too. you're very pretty. no no no, absolutely not. put that away. scotch please. no ice. it very well might. oban. my brand of scotch. oban. have any? wait. don't be ridiculous. you're making this too easy, dear. smart girl. send your data into cyberspace and only you can retrieve it. because only you have the code. okay, think. think. open sesame. that was quick. i thought we'd create our own. sorry. i wasn't trying to. how about breakfast? good-night. yes. sure. black please. thanks. excuse me, that's my. . . . that's a reuger nine shot. i counted nine. when were you hired and for what? who's your employer? did they have accents? russian? i'm paying you out of your contract. don't ask questions. what's your price? u.s. bearer bonds. good as cash. none taken. go and don't come back. a. . . .plane. indeed, simon templar, a plane. your ticket. what'd you pay for it? i'll give you twenty grand for it. cash. right now. i need to get on that plane. it's a little jet, maybe a turbo what are you smuggling these days? fifteen million dollars of my money. and a score to settle. unimportant. how soon can you be in st. petersburg? eyes and ears. two hundred thousand cash for two days work. gregor tretiak. his headquarters. his office in particular. deal. now listen, frankie. no. follow them down. haven't figured that out yet. remy. put down in helsinki and wait for my call! sorry about this. help them! i was hired to steal your research, but you know that by now. you left the critical data off the disk. where is it? memorized, right? that's a bad cut. here. look, you're in big trouble. the guy who hired me will do anything to get your research. once he has it, you're a corpse. give me the missing data and i'll get you out of here. you can trust me. damn it, don't be stupid! arggh! she's on a train to moscow. call you later, frankie. we're going to jump. okay? you can't get rid of me. pretty smart, selling the clothes and watch. you were going for the u.s. embassy, weren't you? my name is simon templar. i don't have an address because i live in hotels. i'm a professional thief. where are you going? sit down. michael quinn jokes. i don't. remy. be at moscow airport at eight a.m., fueled and ready to go. we're going to sit here and not make a scene. i'd get some rest. templar leans back, shutting his eyes. i sleep light. i don't trust anybody. it's not your business. move. fifteen million dollars, but it didn't work out. did it. no. define morality. not by me. . wait. how about: do unto others before they do unto you. the man who said that was crucified by his. the two people in question weren't as nice as that. i wouldn't know. i never met them. are you through? it's all yours. good, all my friends will be waiting for me. they move down the aisle, passing the serving porter, jillian's hand dangles over the fruit and cheese cart. she plucks up a serving knife with two fingers and slides it up her sleeve. i don't. give it to me. the knife you just took. make it quick. talk to me, frankie. what? does tretiak know? thanks, frankie. we're going to the airport. good. the embassy's surrounded. the airport's out. they're drawing a noose around us. we don't have much time. and if i don't, they'll kill me. interesting situation i'd say. i'm a businessman. i perform services for profit. and spare me the lecture. you didn't spend ten years in that mildewed basement for the good of humanity, you did it to get rich. richer than anyone on earth. richer than god. i'll make you an offer - pay me my fifteen million out of your royalties - should come to about one month's. . . what? if you don't own the patent rights, who does? that's a municipal water main. in one hour you're going in there. listen. they shut it down twice a day for five minutes to clean the filters. once at noon, once at midnight. noon is in one hour. part of my job. now ask the logical question. very good. under the united states embassy. there's an exit hatch into the embassy courtyard. that's where we're going. you heard me. let's get to the embassy, then we'll talk about it. don't talk about it, okay? right on time. four blocks. right under tretiak's men and up into the embassy compound. you can do this. she grabs templar's hand. he pulls her up and inside -- we haven't, up there's the street in front of the embassy. come on. we've got two minutes. there it is. not enough time. the hatch under the street. better than drowning. city gas line. both of us will never make it. but one of us can. give me ten seconds, then break for the embassy and don't stop running until you're at the gates. it's a hundred yards, so move it. that's my business. the world can do without simon templar. it can't do without you. see you around sometime. go. faster. . . and? what about your data. you need to conduct further research anyway. i'll help you. the benefits of warm fusion. being bad is the only thing i've ever been good at. who said that? how did i meet you. this saint. saint thomas. are you all right? jillian!! ! no. no. no. ambulance, get an ambulance! no. . . no. . . god please no. but god won't help you, simon templar. . god will take her anyway. fifteen million, plus the fifteen you owe me. thirty million, and i use my own men. i don't have feelings, tretiak. electronic by-pass? what's that? you're saying the system can think. then it can be lied to. we've got sixty seconds. move. radon isn't plutonium but you don't know that. boom, you just got nuked. now it's two months later and the radiation's gone. come on, frankie. come on, frankie. get frankie. we don't own it. the jillian st. thomas foundation. i'm a fool? you thought you could get away with murder. used curare didn't you? induces blood-clotting. what do i want? i want. . revenge. now give me the disk.