quincey, my boyfriend. he kicked me out. i understand. thanks anyway. thanks. jesus, i look like a raccoon. oh god. how? what about the guy on the very bottom? that bad, huh? could be worse. oh sorry, forgot who i was talking to. don't worry, he's probably passed out with his head in the toilet by now. oh, he's a keeper all right. what? go ahead. it's not that easy. who the fuck are you, dr. joyce brothers? i hate the son-of-a-bitch. i can't. you don't understand. i can't leave. fuck you. because he'll kill me. why? they don't hold him for more than a day or two. i can't. i've got a kid. she lives with my parents. quincey knows where they live. how? this seat taken? what happened to your eye? don't worry. he's out of town. trust me. we're safe. never heard of him. like you? and you admire that? is that how you play? no false notes? no deep dark secrets? nothing. i don't want anything. why are you so suspicious? you really need to lighten up. this has nothing to do with him. yes. why do you find that so hard to believe? what is wrong with you? you've got a comeback for everything, don't you, danny? you use 'em like some sort of shield. there you go again. you're nothing but false notes. what are you hiding, danny? you think you're the only one down here with a sad story? it's me. please open the door, danny. we been through that. i need my paycheck. he knows where i work. it's not that easy. i just got a raise. i need the money. from day one. i was a breach birth. they tried for hours to turn my little butt around. but i wouldn't let 'em. i been that way ever since. can we try that again? why not? what's wrong, danny? no. i want to know what the hell is going on. there's someone else, isn't there? they would have killed you too. no danny, don't- really, i don't want to. what is it? i don't want to. why? you said you wouldn't kill him! you lied to me! danny, it's not what you think. i owed them money . a lot of money . they didn't give me a choice. you know how it works. when i got to know you, i tried to back out . that's when they did this . but i told them i wouldn't do it . i didn't want to see you get hurt. they threatened to kill my daughter. i had no choice. i'm sorry, danny. no! i don't want to leave you.