this the guy? cut to the fucking chase, flynne. what's he holding? then why didn't you help the kid when you were there? i'll tell you why you didn't help - because you're a chickenshit tweaking snitch. you're a bottom feader, flynne. i'll tell him. danny, it's really pains me to have to tell you this, but do you remember domingo, that wetback you helped us put away for trafficking a few months back? turns out he's connected. the mexicali boys he knows somebody ratted him. and he's making a lot of noise about having his homies hang a colombian necktie on whoever it was. you mean that hasn't been cleared up yet? anyone ever ask you to be such a disrespectful smart-ass all the time? you thinking what i'm thinking? we know what's going on. okay, let me help you. you're setting up a deal with a chinese redneck. quarter of a million. who the hell is jimmy? and he probably only told two people and they probably only told four people and on and one. you know better than to tell a secret to a tweaker, flynne. might just as well broadcast it on the evening news. what's on the other end of this thing? sounds like you hooked up with some fine citizens, flynne. wrong. dime, minimum. that's not good in prison. it's just not good. what's that smell? what'd you do, piss your pants? who'd have thought it? danny "chickenshit" flynne trying to go large right under our noses. no. you've got me all wrong. i mean, in you own pussified way, you actually got some nuts in your little sack. several possession charges, but nothing major. they have. but they never found a lab. you're lucky, flynne. we're coordinating with palmdale p.d. we'll have your sorry ass covered. don't we always take good care of you? you mean the menacing red car? brace yourself. worse. much worse. a teacher. she's 57 and she's been teaching third grade for the last 33 years. you're paranoid, flynne. i think that crank is finally starting to get the best of you. when is the deal going down? good work, flynne. you're a first-rate rat. didn't you hear? domingo's dead. nervous? just make sure you hit the floor when we come in. it could get ugly in there. half an hour to kickoff. maybe he isn't showing. get the bag.