guess it's our turn. twelve i know a guy. nice day jimmy. everyone calls me jimmy the finn. my features. they're finnish. finland is a country. bobby? what? it's me . jimmy yeah. um, coupla' eight balls oughta do us. hey man, take it easy. come on. ease off the girl. fuck man. come on, bobby. oh . that. ah, he was just juiced. he wouldn't have did nothin' i'm hurting. was. i'm on the fucking ghost train right now, man. you got anything for me? why does it have to feel so bad? oh yeah. man, danny, how do you keep your shit together so tight? i'm serious, dude. you always seem to be on top of things, even when you're tweakin'. yeah, it's a pity. truly a pity. so, why'd you want to see me? see that? that's just what i'm talking about. you. you're smooth. you use words like dire and shit. you got language skills, man. i find myself in dire need of some cash. yeah, pooh-bear. dude is a big-time cook. i'm talking dire. a quarter? danny that ain't even worth . fuuuuuck i think so. i mean, we'd have to talk to him. sure. 10%. that's . the del ammo mall mostly. you wanna score some go-fast? hey, why do you need a gun and a vest anyway? you mean, like to throw 'em off? palmdale i think on account of his nose. he doesn't have one. well, you know how winnie the pooh always got his nose stuck in the honey jar? well, pooh-bear snorted so much crank, they had to cut his nose off. he's got a plastic one though. no you think she's a tweaker? you want a hit? can i ask you something? what does j.f.k. stand for? was he the president? danny? thanks for not laughing at me. what is it, drugs? what is that? rum and coke? i just want to be straight on the details. can i taste it? i thought you were done. you sure you don't want me to go with you? what's this? but why? you only owe me five. and that's not till after we close the deal tonight. okay it don't matter. i'll do it. and you sure as hell don't have to pay me. you're my best friend, man. i'd do anything for you. hey, check it out. it's you! i didn't have a picture or nothin' so i had to describe you to the guy. not bad though, huh? what? but. i've seen you. this isn't like that queen elizabeth question, is it? no one ever noticed? but. why? why would you pretend? you don't trust me? and you want me to do you some big favor? wait if you don't trust me, why did you tell me that stuff about not using drugs? i don't know. a little. i wish you would have let me in on it from the beginning. nah. i want to keep it. maybe i can use it for like, inspiration . you know. like when i detox? wouldn't be a favor if you were paying me. i'll just take my five when the deal is done. danny told me to tell you that he was sorry. he said he had to take care of this himself.