okay, here we go gentlemen . oswald? grassy knoll? third shooter? president kennedy waving to the crowd, his lovely wife looking radiant beside him as they turn into dealey plaza . i'm gonna get this developed and send it to the warren commission. no shit? fuck it. i'll send it to oliver stone then. he'll get them to reopen the bastard. so, danny, jimmy tells me you have a proposition for me. crank or glass? i'm sorry. would you like a taste? i insist. it's delicious. just a taste. secret recipe. make me an offer. i deal in u.s. pounds, friend. none of that faggot metric crap for me. hey, okay. anything for a dear friend. but you're a friend of jimmy's. i think of you as a brother already. if you say so. maybe you're the one who isn't taking me seriously. i welcome you here with open arms and you got the nerve to low-ball me like some slick used car salesman. i want to tell you about the last guy who tried to jam me up on a deal. i'm sure you don't. at least i'm sure you think you don't. anyway, i want to tell you. it's a good story, guaranteed to break the ice at a party. you should have heard him howling. then i took a saws all and i cut his skull open you know, those saws all really do cut through everything. 10,000 a pound 9,000. take it or leave it. all right, all right. don't get your knickers in a knot. i can live with eight. god damn, danny, you got some nerve. pooh-bear respects that. oh, by the way . hmm. good price. pull your pants down. pull your motherfucking pants down. big bill. little bill big bill captain steubing thinks you might work for the police. don't address me. i didn't make the accusation. uh-uh-uh . he don't believe you. big bill. shoot him. now get talkin' you got something to tell captain steubing, you'd better do it now. man'll say a lot of thing when he's sporting weasel food for a pecker. least i can do is check it out though. yeah. don't do that. please. or i'll kill you. please, danny. no one. it was just a test. i need to be sure of who i'm dealing with from time-to-time. i'll keep that in mind. just some buddies. what the fuck are you gonna do about it, dickhead? cool it. we got business. oh my, oh my. big bill, come take a look at this. oh lordy, oh lordy, oh lordy. pooh- bear done shot himself.