you go, boy. feeling the paranoia tonight, are we? you got a name? what? no last name? any company? a kid? are you sure? god damn, flynne, you are one observant tweaker. danny, i'm touched. hard to compare the people you're taking down with the lord. garcetti thinks everything is shit. he doesn't even like dolphins. it's not my place. the money? the drugs? keeping yourself out of jail? i know the drill. just the way the world works. look, as far as tweakers go, you aren't a bad guy. you never hurt anyone but yourself as far as i know. bobby laid his own tracks. he could have gone quietly but he played the hard-ass con till the end. and as far as i'm concerned, he wife and kid are a hell of a lot better off without him. now take the money. i was getting to it. danny, he isn't gonna find out it's you. domingo was a slinger, he must have sold to hundreds of different people. look, we'll talk to the a.d.a. soon. i promise. we'll get the charges dropped and you can disappear. in the mean time, trust me, he has no idea that you ratted him out. yeah. this could be the one we're looking for. hold it right there, flynne. question is, what are you doing here? cut the shit, flynne. okay, asshole, you wanna play, we'll play. you think this is funny motherfucker? this chink have a name? you better not be blowing smoke up my ass, flynne. what're your taking down? did you really think you were slick enough to pull this off? you've got no choice. well, if you'd rather do a stretch in la casa grande . no. you just handed us a new one. we can go federal on your ass right now: ongoing criminal conspiracy. intent to buy and distribute $250,000 worth of crank. what's the mandatory on that, al? and believe me, word will get out that you're a pro rat. bullshit. he's a liar. you think you're so god damned smart, don't you? that's because he doesn't have one. guy scores dope and dollar from ripping off other drug dealers. as least that's what the word is. that's probably what he would have done if we hadn't found out about your get-rich-quick scheme. golly, i hadn't thought of that. i'm afraid so, danny. car is registered to a mrs. nancy plummer. now that's scary! we're in business. we got the 411 on your good old boy. pumped fifty-seven bullets into a police informant. took a pig-slicker to the heart. i thought you'd be happy. man of few words. yeah, i'd hate to shoot you by accident. this could be the one we're looking for. here he comes. where's bubba? looks like flynne's handling the cash. let's get into position. danny? whatever you say, man. look . can we talk about this? please . don't do this . does that answer your question? i fight. i fight and i die like a man. you're a fucking coward, flynne. you lived like one and now you're gonna die like one. too late to be a hero.