that's how easy it is to give to charity around here. don't put your shit on the floor. yeah. it's sara. and you're boring her from the ears down. you finished? gotta watch where you sit, girl. and it's chenille. but you're still welcome. let's catch some air before the bell rings. a dance. asshole beaucoup. in this crowd, you gotta be more specific. i don't know about cute but he is smart. real smart. real trip, too. patrick reynolds? hell yeah, i know him. he's my brother. that's your old man? now he's cute. yeah. he is. for you. why? your hand busy? you must be lookin' in your dreams. it's in the mail, patrick. okay? that time? what? fifth and sixth grade don't count? girl, how you get your legs to twist like that? this is diggy. thinks she's down. so, sara. what's up with that? you should hit feetz with us tomorrow night. it's a club. sorta members only. come on and hang out. snook dee's sometime. he can get you in. yo, snook she needs to get hooked up for feetz. all the way up. sara, give snook twenty dollars. you gonna pay the man or what? so we'll hook up at my house. go together. i will have your i.d. slammin'. slammin' outfit. yeah. you look okay. moma dean. i'm leavin'. grandmom, sara. sara, grandmom. also known as momma dean. and handsome here is christopher. he sure ain't momma dean's. he'll be one in july. best mistake i ever made. kenny -- christopher's father -- he's the worst. triflin'. okay? she's twenty-one too. i ain't got all night. let's hop. gimme that '89 madonna shit. your jacket. give it here. it's country. you look country in it. take it off. rope dopes. c'mon. too fine to stand in line? let's get our table 'fore it gets crashed and i hafta hurt somebody. snook hooks me up whenever he dees. got what? the right to walk past your greasy, tickle dick self without your paws on my ass? 's'that how i got it? that's how i thought i had it. see ya. yeah. and they started with you. quit it, nikki. oh, no. uh-uh, wench. you did not just call me a negro. i can say a lot more. keep runnin' your mouth, nikki. i'll lay all your shit bare. 'cause i can't stand her ass and the way she played my brother. i need a drink, sara. let's walk. that's him. comin' over. kenny? don't look. where's my money, kenny? it's comin'? no. you lyin'. rum and coke. no ice. hook me up. yeah, i'ma tell you. tell you like i keep tellin' you, patrick. you need to let malakai alone. let him handle his own shit before he drags you down in it. i'll see you monday. he'll walk you. no, it's not okay. would you tell the girl it ain't okay? beauty school. i'm a year behind 'cause of my baby, but i'm gonna work during the day, go to school at night. that's my plan anyway. he's a baby. they cry. he don't know you, kenny. come around more often. and i can't depend on you! am i askin' you to do anything for him you ain't supposed to do? -- i want you to pick up some of the slack. you always have an excuse. you wanna talk about tied up? try gettin' up in the middle of the night to change diapers and give him bottles or stayin' up with him when he's sick and havin' to drag your ass to school the next day. it ain't good enough, kenny! how's arvel? you see sara? she alright? you didn't hear? nikki jumped off at her in gym. it was fierce. what? i'm supposed to get excited because you decided to skate by and drop a dollar on the dresser? money ain't got nothin' to do with it, kenny. you don't come around because you don't feel like comin' around. you don't want the responsibility of comin' around. as long as you out there and i'm in here, you know your son's being taken care of. you ain't got no worries when it comes to him. be sick of it. you ain't got to see me to see your son. that wench. you gotta stand over her to make sure she puts your name on the damn list. triflin' bitch. so your old man flipped about the fight. probably thinks it's all patrick's fault. right. you put it all on her. none of it's on you. maybe she didn't have no business gettin' in your face. but she had a reason to say what she said. what i think don't matter. but you and him act like it don't bother people that you're together. like it don't hurt people to see. black people, sara. black women. patrick's about somethin'. he's smart. he's motivated. he's for real. he ain't gonna make no babies and not take care of 'em or run the streets, fuck up his life. he's gonna do somethin' with himself. here you come, white and right, and you take one of the few decent men left after jail, drugs and drive-bys. that's what nikki meant about you up in our world. why you so quiet? patrick reynolds ain't got nothin' to say? that's a first. you know how i go off on folks sometimes. i mean it and then i don't mean it. like what i said to sara. guess she told you. patrick. your ass is on your back and your lips are on the ground. you care, baby brother. and not just about what i said. you seriously like sara. she got a serious jones for you. am i lyin'? i'm sayin' you can't help who you love, patrick. at least you found somebody who loves you back. to where? to who? malakai? you ain't through with that fool yet. no. you know what? you're the fool, patrick. you think you let malakai down and all you did was try to pull yourself up. ain't no blame or shame in that. i shouldn't have. i was trippin'. i know i come down on you hard about money, but i would rather you spend the time. seriously. i didn't say all that. yeah. i always knew that.