what's the matter? it was good. i noticed that it was fine. sara. you'll get in. i've got something for you. come on. sit. mouth closed, eyes shut. no pouting. no peeking. for luck tomorrow. not that you'll need it. you dance like an angel. where'd you get those, traitor? roses from the principal, even droopy, out-of-season yellow ones, is beyond cool, kiddo. you're definitely movin' up in the world. ruin everyone's valentine's day and not have a shop when i get back. that's your definition of great? i can see the headline now: 'starving artist kills unfit mother.' sweetheart, we talked about this. i'll get there as soon as i can. i won't miss your audition, sara. i'll be there, okay? if i have to swim the susquehanna, i'll be there. i'll float then. hey. happy valentine's day.