any questions? concerns? not even about baltimore? light on your feet? good. be sure they dance into my office next week. maybe you think it's enough to have the grades, get a full scholarship. but it isn't, patrick. georgetown makes mulch of students like you every semester. you have to be ready to change. change friends. lifestyle. your entire point of view. what i'm saying is, options won't matter if you don't keep a clean nose to the grindstone. knowing's easy. doing is hard. do i detect a 'but'? i know you're -- how do you put it? -- large here, nikki. you enjoy that and it's fine for now. i guess. but you can't live your life like a popularity contest. to have a sense of direction. i see here that you trained for juilliard, that you auditioned. it was three months ago, sara. well, if you're not going to pursue dance, what are you going to do? be careful with later on, sara. it's a slippery slope. sometimes you can run right on top of it and it never catches up with you. girls. i think you need to talk.