hi. have a good ride? guess you got stuff. baggage. looks like they're unloading. -- you hungry? we can stop somewhere if you want. i didn't like leavin' you so soon after the funeral. i wouldn't have if you hadn't asked me to go. i mean, i could've hung around. helped you say good-bye. that's what you were doin', wasn't it? that's what i figured you were doin'. look. sara. i feel bad too. i mean, we both got hit by the same bolt of lightning. you don't have to pretend this is easy. everything's upside down right now but don't worry. we'll work this bachelor-father thing out. hell, it ain't like we're movin' in with strangers. we got a pretty good idea about each other, right? fell through. not much of what you're used to. but the water's hot and the fridge is full. and i made room in the closets for you. girl's gotta have closets, right? you even get your own bed. i'll crash on the couch. pardon me. your own futon. check it out. on the other side. of course i have a phone. things change. you've changed. you grew up on me. overnight. are you alright, sara? i just wanna know how you feel. phone's in the kitchen. knock yourself out. school bus? that's the other oz, dorothy. patterson kids ride the city metro. or walk. not around here you don't. not until you get the hang of things. i called about your transcripts. you're all set. patterson's got a pretty good humanities program. no ballet, but we can find a studio someplace close for after school -- good idea. take a break. not too long a break though. you're a dancer. you should dance. stay on top of your art. maybe i ain't playin' no grand ballrooms or fancy jazz festivals, but i'm playing. s'alright. hell, i wish i had half the time i wasted gettin' wasted. but those days are over. you'll see. i got my life on track. -- pick you up. three-thirty. how'd it go? hey, sara. c'mere a minute. just come here. hungry and healthys. i asked at the market. they're the best. so. what do you feel like? lamb chop suey? tropical tuna? primavera paradise? what do you wanna do? you wanna hang out with me? go to my gig. you can if you want. right. school night. got it. i'm splittin'. whatcha readin'? you're takin' chemistry? give yourself some time. well. see ya in the mornin'. maybe i'll call between sets. figured i'd put a little marrow in your bones. siddown, siddown. you gettin' along at school? makin' friends? . see any of 'em last night? i came home on my break. oh? jesus! you're hard! look. you're seventeen. if you wanna go out, go out. but don't lie to me. on top of everything else, don't make me worry like that about you. i didn't mean to yell. so how are the eggs? they good? what're you gonna do today? anything special? i don't know what to say. i don't. don't talk to me like that, sara. i thought you were goin' to your friend's house after school. obviously, you changed your mind. so i'm sorry. alright? sorry i got. observed it's nobody's 'fault.' it's over. let it be over. we're all adults. rhonda. shut up. please. let's 'skip'? three months and she's skipping? patrick -- it is patrick, isn't it? well, i think you were just leavin'. he either leaves or i throw his ass out. your call, sara. who the hell are you to tell me how to come off? you're in my house alone with my daughter. siddown. it's a free country, you can hate me. ain't like that's exactly news. but disrespectin' me, that's where the road ends, sara. i don't want him up here again. i mean it. don't start that bullshit! because he was in my house with his hands all over my daughter! yeah? well, when are you gonna have the guts to say what you really want to say to me, sara? sounds like you have it all figured out. well, you might as well wake up and get used to it, sara, because that's the way things are sometimes, the way life is. what the hell happened to you? for what? fighting? why were you fighting, sara? i was wondering. how long you plan on hating me? maybe i'm an optimist but i hope there's some kind of timetable. well, i don't wanna bug you. i just came in to say good luck. i saw the return address. got curious. it was open. i read it. i know i shouldn't have but at least now i have an excuse to tell you how proud i am of you, sara. tomorrow's the big day? you bummed out about it? you're a worse liar than i am father. well, it ain't like i deserve a perfect daughter. i screwed up. did everything in a hurry and still thought i had all the time in the world. to be in love with your mother. be a father to you. but time flies. you look up one day and all you got to show for yourself is a pretty little girl who hates your guts and won't talk to you because too much time went by. you want him there. i understand that. but whatever he brings to the table, patrick can't dance for you, sara. you're the bottom line out there. this is your chance to be the dancer juilliard came to see. i love you.