gay rights. that compote dude who wrote it? sweet tooth. straight- up fag, mr. j. mr. j.! girl needs to bone up. give her a pass to the lib'ary. i'ma shut up. after i say it been real frigid 'round here since y'all broke up. 'specially since she broke up with you. that was harsh, way she canceled your ass like a stamp for that howard u dude. but their shit's over. now might be the time to forget mistakes that was made. shoot. you been with the girl since ninth grade. 'cause i'm about you, man. i want a happy ending. aww, shit. tuck an' duck. here he comes. the hood of the 'hood, up to no good. did i tell you, malakai, man, how chill it is to have you back? we ain't been bad without cha. i need a date -- -- for the prom. and if it wasn't for that kinda undue attitude, you could be the lucky girl, chenille. my personal prom queen. i can see us now. help me, man. defend me. what problems? you goin' to college. doctor college after that. you large, man. i probably coulda been a doctor too. if i hadn't got left back that time. i.d. eye-dee. how you think you gettin' in? on your looks? chenille, your girl is weak. shit. i got my rep to watch. i can't just be gettin' any green in. she ain't got it. look at her. loud-talkin' me and broke as a damn promise. how you know i can't do nothin' for you? i'm the hardest workin' man in showbizness, girl. c'mon. let me be the bomb in your shell. that was black magic, patrick. it's gonna work one of these days. last one on the rack. i snatched it up for you. rang it up on my discount. you workin' or what, man? me? i wanna operate on cars. some place fly like the kentucky derby. -- ah-ha! joke on you. go, patrick! go, patrick! lip. it's a so-to-speak thang, you ignorant fuck. so. so to speak? whassup. you the one need his jaws tightened with your pork-ass instigatin' self. you see us, patrick? me and sara lit it up! y-e-o-w! damn right it ain't funny. that was a reflex action, man. and you just plain rude and wrong to bring the shit up in mixed company. patrick, man, c'mon.