i understand your problem, but if we don't get those tanks off-loaded by 0600, we're going to have an entire division up at caen with its ass hanging out of its pants. alright, let me know when. have the second and third regiments hold at st. michel until we get those tanks. aide yes, sir. report. resistance? casualties? it was a hard assignment, that's why you got it. where are your men now? i'm sending simpson to take over for you, the division is going to caen, you're not coming with us, i have something else for you. there's a private james ryan who parachuted in with the hundred-and- first near ramelle. i want you to take a squad up there. if he's alive, bring him back to the beach for debarkation. take whoever you need, you've got your pick of the company. he's the last of four brothers, the other three were killed in action. this is straight from the chief of staff. spit it out, captain. you think just because you hold the congressional medal of honor, you can say any damn thing you please to your superior officers? alright, i'll give you that. continue. that's enough, captain, you have your orders. major thomas will fill you in. good luck, john.