no, sir. no, sir. sir, if the krauts are holding this bridge when division shows up, our guys are going to be sitting ducks. i'm not leaving, sir. i hear you sir, but i'm not leaving. what are you going to do, sir, shoot me? thank you, sir. yes, sir. i'd like to go, sir. wade. huh, he died coming up here to keep me alive. i never met him. he didn't know me from adam, strange. what was he like? my brothers would be mighty pissed off at me, if they knew i let some guy get killed trying to keep me alive. sure, i know, but. goddamn it all. sorry, sir. i won't need to sir, it's already here, behind the barricade so. yes, sir. yes, sir. is jumped on by one. upham fires. kills the german. leaps onto the final german attacking miller. that german raises his rifle on ryan. looks at miller, sees him growing weak, starting to sway. he gently tries to move miller aside. i'll take care of sarge. i'm home, playing basketball with my brothers, it's evenin' time, we're trying' to get in a few more points before it's too dark to see the ball. that's where i am. captain? upham and jackson, what were they like? yeah? no kidding. and sarge?