who won the congressional medal of hon? that's bracketing, right? i know about bracketing. i read about it. the next one is going to land right on us. captain, i. you can tell all that, just by the sound, sire? so, where are you from? so, where are you from? as a matter of fact, i am. demolition, right? in west fork? no kidding. so they travel around from place to place and preach? what about the captain? where's he from? but everybody's heard of him, he won the congressional medal of honor, he saved a dozen men. somebody must know where he's from, what he did for a living. why don't you just ask him? how do you do it? you think he really believed it? well, as a matter of fact, i was just thinking. that i'm so fucking tired of this goddamned walking, i'd pay a thousand dollars to see that bastard ryan crawl on his belly over an acre of broken glass to hear my great-aunt martha fart through a field-phone. on the other side of the street, crouches in a doorway with jackson. upham is a bit in shock, less from the nearness of the bullets than from what miller just did for him. captain, i. what is that? the army gave you that? you must be a hell a shot. that must be four thousand yards. you take account of the wind? sir, i'm sorry about what happened, but you could have gotten killed and did you see what he did, back there? he stepped right into the open, so i could get across. pass. i wasn't made for this. yes. do you know sibelius' fourth symphony, the normandy? i heard. you know classical music? where are you from, captain? over three-hundred. if that's the way you feel, why don't we wait until it's up to a thousand. five hundred, then. five nights ago, he found this paratrooper caught in a tree with a broken leg. the leg got infected. last night he went to ville cholet to get a doctor. the doctor refused to come and when he got back, this is what he found. the krauts must have shown up while he was gone. no, but he heard firing, just east, less that a kilometer. what is it? sir, i ran the 220 in high school. twenty-four-five. twenty-two flat? good luck, captain. the men said, nine. that only leaves three. freaked out. trying to keep his eyes on the perimeter. can't. that was no twenty-two flat. i wonder where they're going. i sure hope so. i'd like to stay, too, captain. sits beside jackson with a pair of binoculars, searching for another target. the german sniper fire has subsided for now. ext. bridge - day miller watches as ryan and several other paratroopers dig a series of trenches across the street, leading to the bridge. eighty-eights, right? i can tell what the gunners had for dinner. what about our grenades? would they notice and eighty-eight? the germans do. but, sir. goddamn it, sir. i got him. what'd you say, captain? captain, what about our deal? forget it. i don't know, i kind of like wade's idea about the cruise ship. i've never been to tahiti. hears that. doesn't hesitate. he grabs a pair of ammo boxes. runs toward reiben and ryan. takes half-a-dozen slugs. torn apart. stumbles the final few steps to the machine gun nest. falls on the sandbags, giving reiben and ryan the ammo. upham's dead.