youre not dead. theres no point in yelling, i already tried it. would if i could. i dont know yet. shh! hang on a second, i think i found something. no one can hear you. calm down, just calm down. are you hurt? whats your name? my name is lawrence gordon, im a doctor. i just woke up here, just like you. recognize him? well, do you have any idea how you got here? whats the last thing you remember? well theres. theres not much to tell, really. i was on my way home from work and uh, i dont remember anything else. from the looks of these chains, someone didnt want us to go very far either. what? no one has taken your kidneys. because youd either be in terrible agony, or youd be dead by now. trust me. yeah. so, you gonna tell me your name, or what? well adam, what we need to do is start thinking about why were here. whoever brought us there couldve killed us by now. but they didnt. they must want something from us. question is what. that clock. its brand new. so, someone obviously wanted us to know the time. wait, i think i may be able to reach that door. what is that? excuse me. where did you find it? come on, come on, come on. no? use your shirt. your shirt. come on. well, look around, there must be something else you can use. well there must be something! come on, you can do it. come on, come on, again. throw me the player. look, were going to have to work together if we want to get out of here. now just throw it to me. give me that. now. wait a minute. shh, shh! listen. there! right next to you, on the toilet. come on, come on. anything? take off the lid. come on! huh. what is it? hey! mind passing me the other one? he doesnt want us to cut through our chains. he wants us to cut through our feet. i think i may know whos done this to us. its not someone i know personally. its. just someone i know of. the last i heard. the police still hadnt caught him. and the only reason i know that is because i was a suspect. ill start from the beginning. the newspapers started calling him the jigsaw killer. actually, technically speaking, hes not really a murderer. he never killed anyone. he finds ways for his victims to kill themselves. okay. this patient has an inoperable frontal lobe tumor extending across the midline. started as colon cancer. the patient has come in for a standard checkup by which we are able to monitor the rate at which his condition is declining. the patient had. thank you for that information, zep. as you can see, our orderlies form very special bonds with the patients. continuing on, the patient. obviously someone doesnt want me to tell you what the patient has. excuse me. oh. thank you, i do my best. thats fine. now, how can i help you gentlemen? why is it that youre interested? no, im afraid thats. thats quite out of the question. i cant just leave, i have work to do. plus, my wife has the car today, so. im sorry, youll have to tell me again. what is this all about? of course not! i was seeing someone. i was visiting someone. it wasnt a patient. alright? what am i gonna do? that was five months ago. he tried to set me up for murder. good! can i go home now? id like to help, really, but. okay. you mean. he was alive? yeah, im sure. im in exactly the same situation youre in. what? thats not going to do anything. well, you wont stop it. thats why we cant cut through these chains. its why you wont break that glass. every possible angle has been pre-thought out by him. to overcome something, you have to understand what a perfect engine it is. thats how you fight disease. now the tape told us to find an x. that x has to be somewhere in this room. help me find it. i am thinking about that. ive been the last thing i said to my daughter. just a minute. mmm hmm, mmm hmm, just gotta finish this paragraph. nope! im done. see? theres no one in your room. theres no such thing as the bad man. now can you go to sleep? you are? give me your tootsie. oh, what a big tootsie. remember this one? this little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none, and this little piggy went weeee! all the way home! well i have to go to work, sweetheart. you know what daddys job is like. now, come on. lets see. try and get some sleep now, okay? what? what are you talking about? you mean, leave you and mommy? no, no sweetheart, i would never do that. who gave you that idea? well its not true, okay? how much do i love you? thats right, thats right! good night, sweetie. tomorrow, ill read you your favourite story. okay. what, what are you talking about? i am happy. would you like to see her? (he reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet, throws it across the room to adam, who is sitting with his back against the wall, facing lawrence. adam picks up the wallet and opens it. he sees two pictures of diana, side by side. the one on the left is diana hugging a dog. the one on the right is a smiling portrait outside somewhere. thank you. weve talked about it, but uh, with our schedules, its difficult enough to concentrate on one. theres another picture behind the one youre looking at. its my favourite one because were all in it together. someone, usually me, has to hold the camera, which means im always missing from the photos. what? really? are you sure? he. he mustve taken it. i. i am happy. we can talk about this alter, okay? here we are. that was uh, quite an amazing story that poor woman told. look, im sorry i cant be of more help to your investigation. x marks the spot. x marks the spot. we need to search this room again. what are you doing over there? excuse me? i really dont see the point in us not helping one another. thats exactly why we need to talk. we need to think! well then dont keep me in the dark about what youre thinking! what? why? how come we didnt see that before? its locked. the key, the one from my envelope. where is it? are you joking? youre gonna put something we found in this room in your mouth? im trying the police. shit. this was meant to receive calls, not make them. wait a minute. this has happened before. last night, after i finished at the hospital. i was walking back to my car. i thought i was alone, but im sure someone else was there. that. thing. it was waiting for me. how did you know to turn off the lights? yeah, but how did you know? instinct? you know what? youre a terrible liar. what else arent you telling me? just stop it. you knew to turn off these lights. im dealing with a juvenile. yeah! oh god. w. where did you get this? w. why didnt you show me this before? what are you doing to them you bastard?! okay. okay. okay, ive got to think now. adam, listen to me. i want you to play along with me on this. you got that? (he turns the lights back on, both of them again wincing at the bright light. lawrence glances at the surveillance camera, then looks to adam. so you uh, still want that cigarette? there! ive done it! ive killed him with the poison, just like you wanted. now wheres my family?! where are they?! what? what? that was our way out! stop acting! all right, thats it! ah, damn it!! who is this? diana? yeah baby, its me. im here. dont worry honey, everythings going to be okay. wheres mommy? let me talk to her sweetie, okay? put mommy on. w. what man? hello? hello? diana? diana! diana! ally? is that you? how do you know? ally, what is going on? hello? ally? ally? hello? god damn you! if you so much as lay a finger on them, ill kill you! you hear me? you son of a bitch! ill kill you! my wife, she uh, she mentioned your name. she told me. not to believe you. she told me you knew me. who are you? stop the lies! youre a liar! i need to know the truth! thats because its the truth. but. why? youve uh, had these with you the whole time? yeah, right. youre so full of it! why did you um, deem it necessary to page me when you knew i was at home? but i gave you a precise time at which to page me. you cant do that. look, it was wrong for me to makes you come here. -please. im sorry. you tell anyone you were here? for me? hello? i- i have to go. ive got to go. (he picks up his briefcase from the chair, and heads out the door. who was it? the person who paid you to follow me, who was it? what does that mean? does that mean you saw what happened to me? clearly, whoever paid you to take the pictures of me is the one who put is in here. maybe? what do you mean maybe? of course it is! what did he look like? was he tall, was he skinny, obese, what? you must remember something about him. youre telling me you dont remember a thing about the guy? oh for fucks sake! i give up! tapp! detective tapp! no, no, he was discharged from the police force. he broke down after his partner was killed , but that didnt stop him from harassing me. the guy became obsessed. hes convinced himself that i must have somehow been involved with the murders. hes. hes crazy. and you helped him. you took money from him to invade my privacy. how could you do that? right, right. you know what adam? youre not a victim of this game, youre a part of it. i told you, hes not a cop. hes a bottom feeder, just like you. i did not cheat on her!!! how did i get here? i had. i had everything in order. my whole life was in perfect order. no. i know him. zep! his name is zep. hes an orderly at my hospital. zep. you perverted little psychopath. im gonna take great pleasure in seeing you pay for this! you bastard fuck! is that you zep, you bastard!? i know its you, you son of a bitch! ally? hello? hello? ally! honey, are you all right? i dont know. im being held captive in a room somewhere. im so sorry, ally. im sorry for everything. its my fault. please forgive me. ive always been happy with you. ally! ally! he. he electrocuted me. fuck this shit!! no!!!! i cant be calm! my family needs me! no, god! you have to die. im sorry. my family. ive done it! now show them to me! you bastard! ill fucking kill you! ill fucking kill you! you fucking bastard! ill fucking kill you! you fucking bastard! ill fucking kill you! ill fucking kill you! why? youre going to be all right. youre just wounded in the shoulder. i have to go and get help. dont. dont worry, ill bring someone back, i promise.