oh, thats okay, you can ride with us. doc. okay. we checked your alibi. it holds up. we have one of the victims who managed to escape. want to know if you wouldnt mind sticking around and listening to her testimony? maybe itll trigger something. well, wed really appreciate it. shes the only one who made it. hed been injected with an opiate overdose. he couldnt move or feel much of anything. was. ill catch you guys down there. hey tapp? were gonna go down to the grill, go get a beer. you wanna come? you know i always ask. ill leave you to have fun up here. hey tapp? i dont mean for this to be disrespectful. maybe you should find yourself a girlfriend. what? what? ah. k2k. that gangs territory was only about four blocks. on the night of tuesday, the 17th, we got a fire alarm going off in the rear wing of 213 stygian street. its an old listing. used to be a mannequin factory. you think we have enough for a warrant, though? right now? yeah, why not? (he grabs his gun, snaps a cartridge into it, grabsup his coat, and quickly follows tapp. yeah, well, so will anybody else. oh fuck! what? why? weve fucking got him. no fucking way! fuck that. im gonna take him. what the fuck? shit! freeze! police! put your fucking hands in the air! what did you do? turn it off! how do you turn it off?! where is it?! box! fuck! which key, which key?! jesus! tapp! tapp! tapp! its like, theres a hundred keys in here! tapp!!! no, no! tapp! shit! ill be back, okay? ill be back. freeze or ill shoot!